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Practical Examples of Digital Transformation with Nora Möbus
Practical Examples of Digital Transformation with Nora Möbus
by Nora Möbus
For Nora Möbus, digitalization means: Learn like an animal! She feels that digitalization is not just about technology. She will show you various methods that will drive digital transformation in every company.
Your Educators of course Practical Examples of Digital Transformation with Nora Möbus
Nora Möbus
Nora Möbus ist ein Millennial Leader und leitet aktuell den Consumer Engagement Service bei der Nestlé Deutschland AG. Seit 2014 treibt sie als Agile Coach die digitale Transformation des Schweizer Lebensmittelkonzerns voran. Seit 2019 arbeitet sie als Lean Start Up Agent daran die Produktentwicklung „The StartUp Way“ zu beschleunigen.
Nora Möbus is a millennial leader and currently head of Consumer Engagement Service at Nestlé Deutschland AG. As an agile coach, she has been advancing the digital transformation of the Swiss food company since 2014. As a lean start-up agent, she has been working on accelerating product development at “The StartUp Way” since 2019.
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