
Introduction to the Practical Example: Digital Transformation

by Nora Möbus

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    00:07 For me, digitalization means "learning like an animal", or repeatedly realizing how little you know and, more importantly, what you don't know.

    00:16 Every day, new tools are developed, technology evolves, and what we learned last year is no longer applicable today.

    00:23 Digitalization is characterized by constant change, and it is necessary to be able to deal with these changes while also learning on the job.

    00:31 What I discovered about digital transformation is that it has little to do with technology and more to do with our own attitudes.

    00:40 Those who learn faster than others will triumph, and this is what I'd like to discuss with you today.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Introduction to the Practical Example: Digital Transformation by Nora Möbus is from the course Practical Examples of Digital Transformation with Nora Möbus.

    Author of lecture Introduction to the Practical Example: Digital Transformation

     Nora Möbus

    Nora Möbus

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