Treponema, a bacteria.
Treponema are spirochetes.
They are probably one of shorter, smaller,
harder to see spirochetes certainly when compared to the
Borrelia another classic form
or example of a spirochete infection.
The spirochetes of Treponema also possess three axial
filaments which are integral to their structure.
They do not culture well or at all in-vitro
and they are very difficult to see in gram stain.
The organisms are too thin, too translucent, too pale
which actually brings to mind one of the specific types of
Treponema we’ll talk about.
What are the human pathogens?
Treponema pallidum, the pale organism, the pale Treponema
and you can see an example on the image of a spirochete, a
curly cue infection
which can only be seen with specific staining techniques.
Treponema pallidum is the cause of syphilis
and we’ll spend a fair amount of time in this session
talking about that specific organism and that infection.
There are two other human pathogens that we’ll discuss.
The first is the Treponema pallidum pertenue, the cause of
Yaws, and Treponema carateum,
the cause of Pinta, both of those will deserve at least one
or two slides just to familiarize yourself
with the infections caused by them.
Go, let’s start first with how to identify? How to look for
the Treponema?
Again, because they're very difficult to see by normal
methods such as like microscopy.
Instead we turn to something called dark field microscopy,
inverting the image so that what little tissue’s present
actually appears dark
and you can see an example of that in the top image on the
Another mechanism is to use fluorescence microscopy to
target or label the Treponema itself
with fluorescent labeled antibodies which then can be
and shown under fluorescent light and you see an example of
that in the lower image.
Chromogenic immunohistochemical staining on biopsy tissue
using antibody against treponema pallidum.
Looking then at tests for the Treponema, and these are
fairly specific to Treponema pallidum,
there are two different categories that we look at, the
non-Treponemal tests and the Treponemal tests.
Non-Treponemal basically means a test which picks up the
suggestion of an infection by Treponema
but it's not unique to that specific infection thus other
types of illnesses can precipitate a positive reaction.
Treponemal tests are specific or unique to the Treponema
and those typically are immunoglobulin G based, so they’d
Then looking at the specificity, for nontreponemal tests
they're nonspecific for Treponemal associated damage
and in fact are cause by release of cardiolipin into the
system in the blood
and yet the nontreponemal tests react to that.
Why do we look for cardiolipin? Because that is one of the
which is released by the pathogenesis of syphilis although
other things can do that.
The Treponemal tests are specific for antibody released only
by the Treponemal antigen,
again, immunoglobulin G based which persists for a long
Looking at the types of tests, nontreponemal tests
are the VDRL standing for Venereal Disease Research
Laboratories test,
if you wish to remember that although most people just say
and the RPR test the most common screening test we use for
and that stands for Rapid Plasma Reagin test. Specific types
for the Treponemal tests
are the FTA absorb or FTA-ABS tests standing for fluorescent
treponemal antibody absorption test,
and the MHA-TP, microhemagglutination test for Treponema
Basically the initials say it all and they will describe what
those are.
The easy thing to remember is an RPR or a VDRL is
nonspecific—a nontreponemal test
the others are all specific to antigens from the Treponema
organism itself.
Now, looking at the effect of treatment on both of those
types of tests;
in the nontreponemal test the RPR or the VDRL, one can see a
decrease in titer
because as we treat the infection related to Treponema
pallidum, as we treat the syphilis,
the tissue inflammation that the reaction to that infection
it decreases and thus the amount of cardiolipin released
into the systemic circulation can decrease
and decreases the positivity of the test.
However, a Treponemal test because it is immunoglobulin G
based, once it is developed,
it remains positive for either the life of the human or for
a very long time.
So why do we even have two different types of tests?
Well, in fact the nontreponemal tests are used for screening
and monitoring because they are rapidly and easily able to
be performed.
In fact, they can be performed at most medical centers, most
The treponemal tests which are used to confirm the infection
take longer to take,
they're more sensitive, they are more specific, but they
take longer to actually use in the clinical setting.
Very importantly, there are a whole range of reasons to
create false positive results for both
the non-treponemal and the treponemal tests. Looking first to
the non-treponemal test.
Some of the most common causes of a false positive result
are those patients who are pregnant,
and indeed, the state of pregnancy can induce false
positivity for both types.
Also, those patients who have a collagen-vascular disease
such as lupus,
those patients with leprosy, another type of infection.
Those patient with recent immunization or even recent viral
So there are a whole host of reasons for a false positive,
RPR or VDRL non-Treponemal test.
For the Treponemal tests, although those are immunoglobulin G
they may also be falsely elevated by other diseases which
have molecular mimicry
which raise the antibody to something similar to the antigen
on the Treponemal cell wall.
Those again could be things like pregnancy that could indeed
be rheumatoid arthritis.
Lupus, again, it’s a possibility so too are some other
sexually transmitted infections
such as herpes and even some fungal infections the mycoses.
You can see the complete list for both of these, the
important ones
to remember are the state of pregnancy and lupus
as these are commonly asked on certain standardized exams.
Now, let’s look at the pathogenesis of Treponema pallidum.
The first step is for the spirochete, the organism to adhere
to a skin or mucosal membrane.
It then produces hyaluronidase
and allow for tissue invasion.
Spirochetes uniformly need some sort of mechanism to burrow
into their target tissue
and in this case is due to the enzyme action to open up a
Then as the Treponema is coated, excuse me, as it's
burrowing into the host membrane
it is coating itself with fibronectin coming from the host,
you might think of this
as a sort of a wolf in sheep’s clothing, it's coating itself
with the human body
to avoid immune recognition which then prevents phagocytosis
and an immunologic reaction. In this way it can spread
widely into the bloodstream
and create a widespread infection even before signs or
symptoms of disease develop,
it’s quite smart that way.
Ultimately a host immune response does occur
and that is when the patient develops specific disease