How about the diagnosis?
How do we evaluate and
diagnose these patients?
Well as with all
hemorrhages in the brain,
the non-contrast head CT
is the modality of choice.
In the acute setting,
we see some significant hyper dense blood.
This appears as high density
crescent-shaped collection of blood
along the convexity and
you can see that here
in this non-contrast head CT over
the surface of the left convexity.
Fresh blood appears as
a high density on CT.
Subacute and chronic subdurals
appear more iso or hypodense,
still a crescent collection of
blood over the surface of the brain.
But here are the blood
is iso or hypodense.
Blood collections in this stage are
often more difficult to distinguish
from the surrounding
anatomy and can be seen
but particularly small subdural
collections require a careful eye
and an interrogation of the CT.
We can see subdural develop
anywhere in the brain
unilateral subdurals create
distortion of the cerebral contour
and affect the brain
underlying the subdural.
In the setting of
bilateral subdural,
this may create significant
increases in ICP,
and that distortion of the brain
may be a little bit less evident.
Here we see significant
midline shift
and it's obvious that we're
dealing with a left sided subdural,
but too small subdural may be
difficult to appreciate the degree
of increase in mass
effect on the brain.
How about management?
How do we manage these patients?
Well, we use the same 6 steps for
managing subdural as epidurals.
1. ACLS protocols manage airway
breathing and circulation
in patients who are presenting
with significant symptoms.
This can result in life
threatening injuries,
both from the hematoma
as well as the trauma
that contributed to it and
those should be addressed.
Immediate discontinuation of antiplatelets
and anticoagulants is important.
We want to prevent the
hematoma from expanding
and these medicines could
contribute to expansion
and should be
stopped or reversed.
Fourth, we want to
undergo efforts to achieve
and maintain
hemodynamic stability.
Fifth, non-contrast head CT should
be performed as soon as possible.
And sixth, emergent neurosurgical
consultation is needed
particularly in patients with low GCS
or significant focal neurologic deficits
or a concern for increased ICP.
How about non-operative
What do we think about from
non-operative management of subdurals?
Well, this may be appropriate
for patients with more favorable
Glasgow Coma scales who
are clinically stable.
With small subdural is less than 10 mm
in greatest thickness on the head CT
or the absence of brain herniation signs
are significant focal neurologic deficits.
Even a small deficit may be a
reason for surgical intervention.
Asymptomatic patients can
undergo non-operative management.
Patients should be monitored
in a neurological ICU,
particularly if they're
more severe symptoms
or patients who are
on anticoagulation
and the hematoma typically
resolves within several weeks.
4-6 weeks, it may take or even
longer for reabsorption of the blood.
Operative management may be
appropriate in selected patients,
particularly those with low
GCS who are considered unstable
with large hematoma is more than 10 mm
in their maximum thickness on the CT.
In patients who are higher
risk for brain herniation
or with increased
intracranial pressure.
The types of operative
management that we would consider
include surgical techniques like
craniotomy for hematoma evacuation,
a burr hole to evacuate blood
in a less invasive procedure,
a decompressive craniectomy,
particularly if there's underlying
trauma to the brain and cerebral edema,
or subdural evacuation
through a port system.
Culprit vessels can be identified
and tamponade at the time of surgery.
in the vast majority of patients,
the blood will tamponade and
stop bleeding on its own.