
Quick Review: Examination of the Shoulder

by Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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    00:01 Well, we just reviewed a lot of different manoeuvres on the shoulder exam.

    00:05 So let's review some of this content now.

    00:08 When we're thinking about the supraspinatus, I want you to hone in on that painful arc test, which is really being done while we're doing range of motion.

    00:15 And you're looking for that arc from 120 down to 60 degrees.

    00:19 When we're thinking about it, infraspinatus tere, the external rotation of the infraspinatus is how we identify pathology associated with it.

    00:27 So resistance, external rotation or external rotation lag test would be helpful.

    00:32 In contrast, the subscapularis is the great internal rotator of the shoulder and you're going to be doing that belly off test to identify disease in the subscap.

    00:41 Biceps tendon, you've got your Yergason's also known as resisted supination, as well as your speeds test.

    00:48 When you're thinking about problems with the glenoid labrum.

    00:51 In particular, looking for slap lesions, you can use the active compression or what we focused on in this lecture was the passive compression test.

    00:59 Patients with AC joint disease may have tenderness right on the AC joint, or they may have abnormalities and pain reproduced with cross body adduction.

    01:10 And lastly, glenohumeral instability, whether it's from a labral tere or if it's simply congenital, you can do the apprehension and relocation test.

    01:21 So which of the following aids in the diagnosis of a subscapularis injury? Is it painful arc, the belly off, resistance supination or the passive compression test? Painful arc would direct us towards a super spinatus problem.

    01:41 The belly off, that's going to be our answer because that helps us with subscapularis.

    01:46 Resisted supination is a finding in biceps tendinopathy and passive compression helps to identify a slack lesion.

    01:53 The answer is B.

    01:58 Which of the following tests aids in the diagnosis of a biceps tendon injury? Speeds test, external rotation lag test, foraminal compression or the spurling, the active compression test, or crossbody adduction? In this case, we know the answer is the speeds test along with the resistance supination test or Yergason test would help us with the biceps tendon.

    02:24 External rotation lag tests can help us to identify either a supraspinatus or an infraspinatus tere.

    02:30 Foraminal compression, remember, takes us back to a neck problem with cervical radiculopathy.

    02:36 The active compression tests can be used for AC joint disease and occasionally also for slap lesions.

    02:42 And then cross body adduction is useful for in a chromium victualler joint problem.

    02:48 Which of the following tests aids in the diagnosis of an infraspinatus injury? Is it resisted supination, internal rotation lag test, the belly off test, passive compression test, or resistance to external rotation.

    03:07 So going through each one of these in turn resisted supination is a finding in a biceps tendon disease problem.

    03:14 Internal rotation lag test helps us to identify a subscapularis muscle tere.

    03:19 The belly off test also looks at the subscapularis muscle.

    03:23 Passive compression test is for a slap lesion.

    03:25 And so our answer is E, resisted external rotation tests our infraspinatus.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Quick Review: Examination of the Shoulder by Stephen Holt, MD, MS is from the course Examination of the Upper Extremities.

    Author of lecture Quick Review: Examination of the Shoulder

     Stephen Holt, MD, MS

    Stephen Holt, MD, MS

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