
Putting on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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    00:00 Now, let's talk about the correct order for putting on your PPE.

    00:04 First thing, you're gonna put on the gown. Next, you'll put on the mask or the respirator.

    00:10 And remember, you'll determine whether it's a mask or an N95 respirator based on the type of precautions.

    00:16 Goggles or your eye shield, and you'll finish off with your gloves.

    00:21 Now, I always remember that because everything is harder with gloves but they're a necessary evil.

    00:26 Okay, we just looked at the four pieces in order.

    00:31 Now, let's break them down a little bit and tell you key points you need to consider.

    00:35 Step one is putting on your gown.

    00:37 So, you wanna make sure that the gown fully covers your torso from your neck to your knees.

    00:42 Then, on your arms, you wanna make sure it goes all the way down to the end of your wrist and then, it wraps around the back. Now, you'll have a tie on these gowns.

    00:52 Actually, you'll have two of them.

    00:53 Make sure it's fastened in the back, at the neck, and at the waist.

    00:58 Now, we're not talking about a sterile gown. So, you can tie this yourself and you'll be fine.

    01:02 If you're in surgery, it's a lot more complicated to put a gown on but for these precautions, it's not a sterile procedure to put your gown on. So, step one, you've got your gown on.

    01:14 Next, do you remember what you put on? Right, it's the mask or the respirator.

    01:20 So, you see in that first picture, he's got a surgical mask on and it's tied in two spots.

    01:26 So, you wanna secure the mask with ties or the elastic band, whatever it has, in the middle of the back of the head and at your neck.

    01:35 That will help you keep the mask securely on your face.

    01:38 Now, notice, the mask is covering his nose and his mouth underneath his chin and that's really important.

    01:46 You want a close, tight seal on that surgical mask.

    01:50 If it's a respirator, it's gonna have a tighter seal than that mask but both masks need to be firmly on your face to be effective.

    01:58 Now, see how he's got his fingers on either side of the bridge of his nose.

    02:02 Pressing on that mask flexible band at the bridge of your nose will help it fit closer to your face.

    02:09 Some surgical masks have them, respirators have them.

    02:12 So, it's just another way you can adjust it and make the mask fit your face as effectively as possible.

    02:19 So, keep it close and snug to your face, below your chin, and for respirators, make sure you've done a fit-check.

    02:27 Now, let's talk a little bit about fit-check.

    02:29 We've introduced it in our video series but I wanna break it down a little bit for you. I can't do my own fit check.

    02:36 Fit testing is a series of tests and assessments that are performed by a trained evaluator.

    02:43 So, you’ve gotta have a certain skillset to evaluate if a respirator mask is the appropriate size and type of mask for each individual.

    02:51 Because that’s what we’re aiming for.

    02:53 We wanna make sure the respirator that you're wearing by the shape of your face is a tight seal right on there.

    03:01 So, there's multiple tests and steps that need to be done to make sure that a respirator fits your face correctly.

    03:09 Now, hospitals will have different types of respirators. That's why you have the opportunity to choose.

    03:13 But when you hear people refer to fit testing for a respirator, I couldn't just walk into a hospital and grab an N95 and assume it's going to be effective for me.

    03:24 I need to make sure that before I'm exposed or a place where I need to use an N95 respirator, I've performed the appropriate fit testing with a trained evaluator.

    03:35 Okay, so, you've got your gown on, you've got your mask on or your respirator.

    03:42 The third step is putting on your goggles or the face shield.

    03:47 So, put the goggles and the shield over your face and eyes and just adjust the fit.

    03:51 You see the picture on the left is someone putting on goggles.

    03:55 Now, if you wear glasses, sometimes, these can be problematic. I face shield might be easier for you.

    04:01 So, put the goggles and the shield over your face and make sure it fits kind of snug so it feels secure.

    04:07 You don't want it to slip down. Step four is putting on the gloves.

    04:11 Now, these are clean gloves, not sterile gloves. So, this is a lot easier.

    04:15 I'm sure a lot of you have post-traumatic stress disorder from trying to put on sterile gloves in your lab practicums but this is much more straightforward.

    04:24 They're just clean gloves. But pull the gloves over the wrist of the isolation gown.

    04:30 You wanna make sure that you have the gloves go all the way over the cuff of the gown.

    04:35 There you have it. Now, you are ready to care for your patient with precautions.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Putting on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course COVID-19 Safety for Health Care Professionals (HCP).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Gloves
    2. Gown
    3. Mask
    4. Eye protection
    1. To ensure that the respirator forms a tight seal on the face
    2. To ensure that the respirator is comfortable
    3. To ensure that the respirator doesn't get wet
    4. To ensure that the respirator does not cause the provider to become hypoxic

    Author of lecture Putting on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

     Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

    Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN

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