Welcome to this lecture on the nerves of the
thoracic cavity.
This slide brings us to the learning objectives
that you should be able
to answer at the conclusion of this presentation.
First, describe the distributions of the phrenic
nerve and the sympathetic and parasympathetic
divisions of the autonomic nervous system.
Compare and contrast the general functions
of the autonomic nervous system.
Describe the clinically applied anatomy of
vocal cord paralysis and achalasia.
Describe the clinically applied anatomy of
asthma, pancoast tumour and cardiac referred pain.
And then, we will summarize the key take-home
messages from this presentation.
And then, lastly, provide attribution for
the images that were used throughout this presentation.
This is the body map. And since we are looking
at the nerves of the thoracic cavity, we will
be focusing in on this area, in an anterior
view and then, we will also be looking internally
along the posterior thoracic wall. The nerves
that we are going to be covering in this presentation
are the phrenic nerves, the vagus nerves,
the sympathetic trunks as well as
autonomic nervous plexuses.
Our first nerve is that of the phrenic nerve.
The phrenic nerve is formed from anterior
rami of the third cervical spinal nerve, the
fourth cervical spinal nerve and the fifth
cervical spinal nerve and these anterior rami
help to form, in part, the cervical plexus.
The phrenic nerve, once it’s formed, will
have an anterior course to the anterior scalene muscle.
Here we see the right phrenic nerve
on the right anterior scalene muscle, in the neck,
and then we see the left phrenic nerve
running on the anterior surface
of the left anterior scalene.
All phrenic nerves are going to run on the
lateral margins of the pericardium. They convey
both motor and sensory fibers and the left
is longer than the right and if you take a
look at the diaphragm, here is the right dome.
It is more elevated than the left dome. So,
the left dome sits a little lower. Hence,
the left phrenic has a slightly longer course
to reach its destination.
This slide depicts the distribution of the
phrenic nerve. The phrenic nerve does have
pleural branches. These will supply the costal
and mediastinal parietal pleura that’s associated
with each lung apex. In addition, it has pericardial
branches to help supply the pericardium. Those
we can visualize in the illustration. Your
right phrenic nerve is giving rise to pericardial
branches in this area. Your left phrenic nerve
is coursing along the pericardium. You can
see some pericardium branches here as well
as here.
The terminal branches of the phrenic nerve
we see supplying the diaphragm, specifically
the terminal branches to the diaphragm, convey
motor fibers. There are also sensory fibers
in these terminal branches and these are sensory
to the diaphragmatic parietal pleura. In addition,
there are sensory fibers that will innervate
the parietal peritoneum that is located on
the inferior surface of the diaphragm.
And then, our next slide will help us understand
a phenomenon referred to as referred pain.
And to understand referred pain, we have to
understand the dermatomes that are innervated
by C3, C4, C5. And if we take a look here,
here is the dermatome associated with C3.
It is bilateral, we are looking at the right
side here.
C3 is also shown here on the left. So, it
go up into the neck, over to the top of the
shoulder; C4, little further medial on the
shoulder, coming in to the midline and then
to the opposite midline and over the top of
the contralateral shoulder. C5 is not depicted
here, but again, C5 is a level that helps
to form the phrenic nerve. C5 would course
out here more laterally on the shoulder and
into the lateral upper... upper arm.
If there is irritation at the diaphragm, such
as accumulation of blood in the peritoneal
cavity, the pain gets referred to these dermatomal
levels. Gall bladder can also cause referred
pain to the same dermatomal level. So, the
patient will complain of pain
in these general dermatomal regions.