
Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade: Causes

by Carlo Raj, MD

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    00:00 Causes: we wanna walk through few of this that are important.

    00:04 So we have something underline causing accumulation of fluid within the cavities.

    00:11 Now, with neoplasm, it’s interesting because with neoplasm let there be breast cancer or lung cancer.

    00:18 The effusions that are taking place in the pericardial cavity could be perhaps bloody.

    00:24 At that type of fluid that it accumulating within your cavity that can be pleural cavity or here the pericardial cavity.

    00:30 Will bid slow. So you can actually accumulate quite a bit of fluid before the patient actually feels the symptoms right of what, fullness. So this is not so much about accumulating fluid rapidly like cardiac tamponade secondary to ventricular wall rapture, that’s unclear.

    00:48 Postmyocardial infraction could be a cause. And we’ve talked about this as well.

    00:54 Remember, post MI that’s a weaken to this. It is scar formation but it is not very strong.

    00:59 A ventricular aneurysm and your always at risk for rapture.

    01:02 Postpericardiotomy syndrome, hypothyroidism, viruses – Coxsackie.

    01:09 So coxsackie was seen in a bunch of places now. Coxsackie could be a possible cause of pericarditis, could be a cause of myocarditis and could also give rise to effusions.

    01:21 Influenza and perhaps even Echo.

    01:26 Bacteria: staph, tuberculosis is a big one. Tuberculosis at times could be a type of fluid were its hemorrhagic.

    01:36 Connective tissue disease: SLE form head to toe is often affecting you.

    01:39 Trauma is dangerous. Uremia here I wish to point out.

    01:43 Uremia is not something that you are going to measure through labs per say. Uremia to you, should automatically mean renal failure. And by renal failure, you mean chronically renal failure, okay.

    01:57 And when we talk about end stage renal disease, then its the signs that you as a clinician, are going to them pick out in your patient such as, once again, there is going to be anemia, a normal static type of anemia.

    02:10 Because of lack of BPO. There might be calcium deficiency because there is no proper activation of vitamin D.

    02:16 and so forth, then may result an issues of pericardial cavity.

    02:18 Drug induced, are it’s an important, important side of the different ideologies of effusion.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade: Causes by Carlo Raj, MD is from the course Pericardial Disease: Basic Principles with Carlo Raj.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Decreased right heart filling
    2. Systemic vasodilation
    3. Pump failure
    4. Constriction of pulmonary capillaries
    5. Increased afterload
    1. Ventricular aneurysm rupture
    2. Interventricular septal rupture
    3. Hypothyroidism
    4. Tuberculosis infection
    5. Breast cancer
    1. Tuberculosis
    2. Hypothyroidism
    3. Coxsackie virus infection
    4. Nephrotic syndrome
    5. Uremia

    Author of lecture Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade: Causes

     Carlo Raj, MD

    Carlo Raj, MD

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    By Horeb A. on 05. August 2020 for Pericardial Effusion and Cardiac Tamponade: Causes

    Dr Raj is amazing! Thank you! I understand the concepts clearly and it's a bonus that Dr Raj's lectures are always so much fun!