
Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia: Pathogenesis and Morphology

by Carlo Raj, MD

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    00:00 Now, TTP and HUS, TTP is to an adult as HUS is to a child.

    00:06 In these conditions where the thrombi are present, what happens to your RBC? It get’s sheared.

    00:12 By sheared, what that means they’re not called sheared cells.

    00:17 Let me make that clear.

    00:18 However, you can use the word sheared, meaning that it gets broken up or fragmented and you can use the term to then call them clinically on a peripheral blood smear as schistocyte.

    00:31 Now, be careful.

    00:32 Do not confuse these with bite cells.

    00:34 Bite cells are something that we saw with G6PD deficiency.

    00:38 And ultimately, maybe, you want to wear this schistocyte on your head.

    00:43 What? A helmet cell is sometimes is what it’s referred as its nickname.

    00:50 Schistocytes is what it’s called clinically and technically on your peripheral blood smear.

    00:55 But do not confuse them with sickle cells, do not confuse them with bite cells.

    01:00 Look for the history, history, history.

    01:02 If your patient has been exposed to amniotic fluid emboli, DIC, without a doubt, that picture there is going to be a schistocyte of an RBC, not a sickle cell, you see what I’m saying? So go back to the history so that you are clear about what kind of RBC you’re looking at.

    01:18 Do that always because you can never fully guarantee.

    01:22 Now, what you find in your peripheral blood smear is only for that disease.

    01:26 It gives you an approximation, I’ll give you that.

    01:29 But you must confirm your finding by looking at the history and making sure that you’re able to confirm it.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia: Pathogenesis and Morphology by Carlo Raj, MD is from the course Hemolytic Anemia – Red Blood Cell Pathology (RBC).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Helmet cells
    2. Burr cells
    3. Bite cells
    4. Teardrop cells
    5. Sickle cells

    Author of lecture Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia: Pathogenesis and Morphology

     Carlo Raj, MD

    Carlo Raj, MD

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