Another important function of proteins are
those that are involved in movement. Now I
talked previously about tubulin and actin,
and how they were able to form either microfilaments
or microtubules inside of cells.
Here I want to talk about the proteins that
actually move along these filaments. Now the
mules that are involved in this process, at
least the two most important ones as far as
the microtubules are concerned, are called
kinesin and dynein. What kinesin and dynein
do is they use the energy of ATP, and with
that energy of ATP, they grab cargo, which
are things that they are moving literally
like a mule, and they walk along the microtubules,
step by step by step. It’s a remarkable
process that this happens and so the movement
of materials across the cell happens on this
little microtubule highway that is existing
inside of cells.
Another important protein involved in movement
is known as myosin. In contrast to kinesin
and dynein, which walk down microtubules,
myosin walks down and does movement on top
of actin filaments. Now myosin is involved
in a variety of processes inside of a cell,
and it's also the protein that's involved
in muscular contraction.
Now, when we talk about movement, we really
can't ignore what's happening with the assembly
of the actin microfilaments. The polymerization
act itself is a movement, as is the microtubule
polymerization that happens with tubulin.
One other movement that I want to mention
in cells that is notable and very, very important
is that of ATP synthase. ATP synthase is an
enzyme found in the inner membrane of a mitochondrion,
and it’s ATP synthase that is responsible
for making probably 90% of all the ATP that's
made inside of a cell. Interestingly this
protein involves motion in order to make what
it makes. Now this is shown schematically
in a figure on the right, and in this figure
on the right, we can see a portion of the
ATP synthase. Specifically it's the portion
of ATP synthase that makes the ATP. You can
see on the screen a figure of what looks like
a pie with three different colors on it. This
is the functional part of the ATP synthase
that actually makes the ATP. Now the three
different colors correspond to three different
proteins, but the three different proteins
are actually identical in sequence to each
other. They can each, however exist in a slightly
different configuration and that configuration
changes as a rotor turns within there. Now
the rotor is shown in black, and the turning
of the rotor causes the protein to change
forms. Each protein here can have three different
forms. One form for binding ADP and phosphate,
one form for squeezing together ADP and phosphate
to make ATP, and one form for letting go of
the ATP that's been formed. During the turn
of the rotor, all three of those processes
will happen for these subunits as you can
see here. Now watch on top first where the
ADP and phosphate are going to come in and
bind, you will see them be squeezed together
and you will see them be released. Bound,
squeezing and released.
Now, motion is fascinating inside of a cell.
The motion that happens in the, what we describe
as the 'walking along microtubules', is literally
a walking process. Now this protein that I’m
going to illustrate this for is a protein
kinesin, and kinesin uses energy of ATP to
actually do the walking process. And you can
see the kinesin drawn schematically in a light
grey above the microtubule below. You can
see that the kinesin has associated with it
to start on the left, adenosine diphosphate,
as given by the D. The binding of ATP by the
kinesin causes a swivel to actually happen,
and you can see the swivel happen as a result
of the binding of the T. The release of ADP
causes another swivel to happen, as you can
see here, and finally the release of a phosphate
causes a third swivel. This swiveling back
and forth allows the kinesin to literally
take steps along this microtubule, a fascinating
process. Dynein uses a very similar process,
but dynein, in contrast to kinesin, works
in the opposite direction. The tubulin has
a polarity associated with it, kinesin walking
one way and dynein walking the other way.
So we’ve seen in this module three important
functions that proteins can perform.
First, structural function that makes for some very
stable and durable proteins important for
macromolecular organisms. And secondly we’ve
seen two processes that actually mimic processes
that happen in the macroscopic world that we see,
that of communication and that of movement.