Let us now look at some of the details of
hematopoiesis. Firstly, it is important
to know that all the blood cells that circulate
in the blood have a very limited lifespan.
Red blood cells only have a life span of
120 days, neutrophils even less. So it is
important that we have a tissue that continually
renews all these blood cells and that is the
process of hematopoiesis and it occurs in
the bone marrow. The original stem cell that
gives rise to all the lineages is called the
hematopoeitic stem cell. It is a pluripotent
stem cell. It is obviously a very important
cell. It sits in the bone marrow.
It divides over and over again and it gives rise to
the progenitor cells, which in turn go through
all the process of providing lineages leading
to the production of all the different blood
cell types. So it is important that this hematopoietic
stem cell divides continually to provide these
progenitor stem cells as well because they
are lost during the process of their differentiation
into the final blood cell types. There are
a number of different colonies that arise
from these hematopoietic stem cells. One is
the common lymphoid progenitor cell types
that give rise to the lymphocytes and I am
not going to talk about in this lecture.
Then there are the rather common myeloid progenitor
cells of which have different progenitor cell
populations that are then influenced by a
number of factors that is not the scope of
this lecture. A number of factors then stimulate
these lineages to go through various processes
of developing into the various cell types,
erythrocytes, the white blood cells, megakaryocytes
and the platelets. So in this lecture, I am
going to concentrate on the lineage that is
derived from the megakaryocytes, erythrocytes,
progenitor cell. And then I am going to talk
about the lineage that gives rise to the neutrophil,
the lineage that is derived from a granulocyte,
monocyte progenitor cell. But appreciate there
are different colonies of these progenitor
cells and as I've said they are influenced by
a number of factors some of which are listed
on this slide.