So, what does this look like? It's a very prevalent disease. Heart failure occurs in 1-2%
of the population and becomes much much more common as that population ages.
It's said to be 25% higher in the African American population. The mechanisms for this
are not entirely clear to me, not have a genetic basis. It may actually reflect in part
access to healthcare and prevention of some of the maladaptive changes. As I've
already mentioned, the incidence and prevalence of heart failures deeply increases with
age and this is going to be a major mode of exodus, meaning cause of death for a
significant number of the geriatric population in any country of the world. So we have
different manifestations of heart failure. You can have left-sided heart failure which is
going to be the most common one, the left heart is going to be very important for
perfusing every organ except the lung and that left heart failure is going to be reflected
relatively quickly. At the left heart, the left ventricle is not squeezing appropriately or
filling appropriately or providing adequate stroke volume appropriately, then you're
going to have many more manifestations. So this is going to be more common probably
even isolated right-sided heart failure. So, you have inadequate systemic perfusion.
So the brain is not getting enough oxygen. The kidneys are not getting enough flow,
so they're going to be manifestations there. Not only that, but as the heart is dilating
up, we are also affecting the geometry of the valves and we're affecting their
competence. So with a dilated heart, for example, in left heart failure that has gone
beyond the limits, we are now dilating that chamber of the left ventricle pulling on the
chordae tendineae attached to the papillary muscles and now we will have regurgitation
into the left atrium and back through the pulmonary veins into the lungs. So there will be
increased pulmonary pressure and pulmonary edema associated with left heart failure.
Right-sided heart failure is going to give us inadequate pulmonary perfusion so the
patients will present with hypoxia and hypotension, they are not getting enough blood
going to the lungs to get oxygenated and because we don't have adequate blood flow
going through the lungs we don't have enough adequate blood flow coming out of the
lungs and so there will be hypotension. So right-sided heart failure has a couple of
additional things. We will see with right-sided heart failure that there is increased venous
pressure systemically. Same mechanisms that are going on when we have pulmonary
edema associated with left heart failure, we can have the same thing happening with
right heart failure with as pressure and volume going regurgitantly in to the systemic
venous circulation. And that will give rise to peripheral edema, an important truism.
The most common cause of right heart failure is left heart failure, it's not the only cause,
but the most common cause is going to be left heart failure and that's because the left
heart fails more frequently than the right and the left when it fails has blood pumping
retrograde into the lungs that higher pressure and volume through the lungs translates
back into the right ventricle. Now we have pressure volume overload on the right
ventricle which will lead to right heart failure. Both types of heart failure can be caused
by either systolic or diastolic failure.