Hello. This is advanced vascular medicine.
This segment, we'll continue the discussion
of arterial diseases. We're going to concentrate,
in this section, on further information on
dissection of the aorta. And we're also going
to talk about renal artery stenosis and fibromuscular
dysplasia, which cause abnormalities in renal
blood flow and can lead to severe hypertension,
which is the topic for our next talk.
So let's talk a little bit about dissection
of the aorta. I mentioned it in the last talk,
when I was discussing aneurysms. But remember:
An aneurysm—a true aneurysm—is a dilation
and a thinning of the wall of and that…
an artery, and eventually, this can lead to
rupture. In dissection, that's not the case.
What happens in dissection is that there's
an actual tear in the inner lining of the
heart, allowing the blood and the full blood
pressure to gain access to the internal components
of the wall of the blood vessel and to dissect
down it. And eventually, sometimes, these
will rupture through the adventitia and cause
hemorrhage, which can be fatal.
These conditions—dissections—are caused
by a weakened area of elastic and smooth muscle
layer tissue in the blood vessel. And again,
dissections most commonly occur in the aorta.
The most common age group is the 40- to 60-year-old
age group. You can see—in this photomicrograph
that is taken from a section put under the
microscope—you can actually see the rupture,
or the tear, in the inner lining—the intima—of
this artery.
Now, a number… There are a number of risk
factors related to the development of dissection.
Congenital defects I mentioned in the last
lecture, such as bicuspid aortic valve or
coarctation of the aorta, are associated with
abnormal aortic structure that can lead to
a dissection. Marfan's syndrome is another
entity where there's abnormal aortic structure
weakening in the wall that can allow for a
tear to occur and dissection to develop. Hypertension
is very commonly associated with aorta dissection—no
surprise, because it puts additional stress
on the aortic wall and can be a factor in…
that leads to the tear in the wall and the
subsequent dissection.
Connective tissue diseases such as lupus or
rheumatoid arthritis or other diseases…
autoimmune diseases can also weaken the blood
vessel wall and lead to dissection. Pregnancy,
because of the release of relaxing factor
in pregnant women, actually can also weaken
the wall. And particularly, if there's a family
tendency to aneurysms, dissection can occur
during pregnancy. And that's a really nasty
situation, because it needs urgent cardiac
surgery, and of course, you want to do that
without hurting the fetus if possible. And
then finally, the most common cause is aging
degeneration of the medial layer of the vessel
wall with weakening. And of course, atherosclerosis
often is a factor involved in this degenerative
change in the vessel wall.