Let's talk a little bit about
how teams come into being.
There's going to be a stage process
of how this gets accomplished
and how they come together to have a unified
approach to taking care of patients.
The first step is
going to be forming.
So, in this stage, team members maybe a
little reticent, they maybe a little guarded,
their interactions with each other
maybe superficial and impersonal.
They're really not sure, you know, what their task is going
to be and how they have a shared vision of that task.
The next is stage of storming. So, there may
actually be conflict between team members
as they try to negotiate
how things should be done,
disagreement about tasks assignments, frustration
perhaps with the lack of progress in completing a task.
As they get to work together, there
might be a process of norming.
So, where they sort of get used to working
with each other, they openly communicate,
they figure out generally accepted
procedures, the communication patterns
that are going to work for them, and they are working
towards that goal of accomplishing the task.
And then hopefully at the end, there's a
well-functioning team that is performing.
So the team is closed, they
are supportive, they're open,
they're trusting, they can share, you know,
any kind of disagreements in a collegial way.
They can be resourceful in terms
of helping team members out
and they all become effective in focusing the
attention on achieving the team's goals.
So, to accomplish that, I have to give
how all this stage process of creating
the team what are going to be the qualities
of an effective healthcare team.
The first and foremost is that they have
this shared vision of a common purpose.
And as we've been saying continually, this is idea of patient
well-being that they're all working towards that goal.
They set for themselves
measurable goals.
So, there is going to be a quality
improvement process where they set a goal
and see if they have accomplished
it and then can, you know,
if they had accomplished it work towards achieving
it or if they can improve the process they do so.
If they haven't gone as far as they
could, hopefully it say, you know,
team that's well performing that they can create
that vision of how to get to the end goal.
That means that there is good communication, there is good
cohesion, there is mutual respect shown to each other.
There is somebody, maybe tasked
with monitoring the situation.
So, how are we as
a team working?
Not only are we accomplishing the goal, but what are the
team dynamics and is someone paying attention to that?
Maybe each team member is responsible for speaking
out if they see things that need attention.
There is self-monitoring.
So, each team member has defined
role and responsibility in the team
and they are self-monitoring of "Am I, you
know, fulfilling my service to the team?
And if not, you know, what can I do better?"
There has to be some degree of flexibility.
So when things aren't working out or you
experience any kind of pitfalls or hurdles
that need to be overcome, you figure out a
way to be flexible and work around those.
And lastly, it requires someone and
it might be multiple team members,
to be an effective leader, not necessarily the
person that's designated as the leader of the team,
each person might have shared leadership
responsibilities and know when there might be conflicts
and how to work towards
resolving those conflicts.