Hi. Welcome to our respiratory video series. We're going to look at chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease in this section. Now, the World Health Organization has a definition of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. They define it as a lung disease characterized by
chronic obstruction of lung airflow that interferes with normal breathing and is not fully
reversible. Now the more familiar terms, chronic bronchitis and emphysema, are no longer used
but are now included within the COPD diagnosis. I wanted to start out with this because this
is a definition from the World Health Organization. They're a major player in health obviously
all over the world. So their definition says these terms are kind of outdated but you're going to
see these terms used a lot in healthcare. So we're showing you this definition and some other
definitions to help kind of clear that up. Now if you've been exposed to discussions about COPD
before, you know that you see the healthy tissue there, there's the bronchiole, you see the
smooth muscle wrapped around it, you also have smooth muscle in the wall of the bronchioles,
and you've got the alveoli there. Now if they're healthy alveoli, you see they're round, they're
intact, and that's where we have the exchange of CO2 and O2. Because those alveoli are
surrounded by capillaries. You don't see the capillaries in that drawing but they're there in
your body. Now, when you look at COPD, you have some problems with extra mucus and
alveolar walls that are damaged and that's why they have the respiratory problems that they
do. So, this is the World Health Organization's definition of COPD. That second point there we
talked about chronic bronchitis and emphysema are no longer used, I'm letting you know that
in the states they really are. So we've got that there, just be aware that this is kind of a
conversation in healthcare. Now the US, that's just us, the US National Institute of Health says
there are 2 main forms of COPD, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Now that seems to be a
little bit of a conflict with what you talked about with World Health but I wouldn't lose a lot
of sleep over it. I just wanted to explain it to you. So chronic bronchitis is when they have a
lot of extra mucus and a long-term cough. In order for it to be chronic, you've had it over
2 years for at least 3 months in each year. Emphysema is damage to the alveolar walls. So
you end up with these walls that are blown up. So chronic bronchitis, gunked up; emphysema,
blown up. Now most people with COPD have kind of both which is probably why the World
Health Organization has done away with separating these 2, but we're going to continue
discussing it from this perspective and it lines up with the United States NIH definition. Now
there's a copdfoundation.org. There's a lot of great information there. There are non-profit
organization. They look at COPD as an umbrella term. It's used to describe progressive lung
diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and refractory or non-reversible asthma.
So, this disease is characterized by increasing breathlessness. So there's another perspective
for you when we talk about COPD. So you know be flexible when you're discussing it and what
perspective you're aware of.