00:00 Now the third one is gastric impact and I know you're gonna nail that because we've walked through that a couple times. 00:06 So write yourself some quick notes and enjoy what you've already learned before we go on. 00:16 Let's see how you did. Okay, so gastric impact of Cox-1, you're gonna have these inhibitors. 00:23 You're gonna end up with some stomach upset, intestinal bleeding, and ulcers. 00:27 Those are the big three but look, they're all attached to each other because it's coming from irritation of that lining. 00:35 Lack of protection for your stomach lining. 00:38 That's why their stomach feels kind of upset. 00:40 Now, severe would be an ulcer or at least to intestinal bleeding. 00:45 Those are a lot more intense but nobody likes an upset stomach. 00:49 Again, all three line up with -- hey, with Cox-1 inhibitors, I'm gonna have less of this available so that's why you're gonna have these three effects. 01:00 The stomach upset, a risk for bleeding, and ulcers. 01:04 So how do you minimize that because nobody wants to experience those or have an upset stomach? Well, sometimes taking your NSAIDs with a full meal, that will also help you. 01:16 Now I know we say up there with an antacid. 01:18 You have to be really careful with that and you wanna talk to your health care provider before you would use that strategy. Why? An antacid is over-the-counter. 01:28 Yeah, it is but an antacid will change the pH of your stomach, the gastric pH of your stomach, so that will also impact the absorption of the NSAID. 01:40 So you wanna be very clear, have a conversation with your health care provider and say, "Hey, I'm having some gastric upset." Now, you can take an NSAID with a full meal all on your own but before I would take any oral medication with an antacid, I would wanna talk with my health care provider and talk about what impact will this actually have on this particular NSAID. 02:02 Because usually, it makes them -- when you mess with the pH, it makes a drug a little bit less effective. 02:07 Now that's -- if that's helpful to you like you're weighing out the risks and the benefits with your health care provider, you can come up with the best solution for you. 02:16 Not for your neighbor, not for a friend, but the best care solution for you. 02:21 So that advice that the health care provider gives is simply for that patient in that setting. 02:28 Now, we've got some fancier things, right? We're just talking about antacids and food. 02:33 That's something that everybody has access to but there's also the drugs that you'll see on your screen there. 02:38 Misoprostol, that's cytotec. That can be used to help reduce stomach irritation with NSAIDs. 02:44 Now prilosec, these are gonna start to look familiar. Omeprazole, you've got Nexium. 02:50 These are gonna look like proton pump inhibitors, right? Those can help with dealing with less gastric acid. 02:57 Your stomach's upset because their lining isn't as protected as it used to be so one strategy is to use these drugs that we're talking about. 03:06 After the cytotec, we're using these drugs to directly minimize the gastric acid so that's how they can help deal with a gastric upset that comes with NSAIDs. 03:16 They're proton pump inhibitors. Now that is a powerful group of medication. 03:23 You see we've got them linked besides the misoprostol. 03:26 Proton pump inhibitors are the drugs that are the most effective at minimizing gastric acid. 03:33 So they're better than the H2 blockers. They're just the most effective group of drugs. 03:38 They're meant to be used for a short period of time so you'll -- that's another drug you'll in consultation with your health care provider. 03:46 Even though different dosages of these -- some of these drugs are available over the counter, you wanna make sure that the health care provider is aware of what you're taking.
The lecture Contraindications: Gastric Upset – NSAIDs (Nursing) by Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN is from the course Central Nervous System (CNS) Medications (Nursing).
What are the impacts of NSAIDS on the gastrointestinal tract? Select all that apply
Which medication should be prescribed along with an NSAID?
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