Just moving on, chest wall and muscle diseases,
now we've discussed these briefly already,
these are a mixed bag of diseases where you
underventilate the lungs because the mechanical,
the muscle or the nerve input to ventilation
has been impaired, so acutely this might
happen if somebody has had a road traffic
accident, they get a flail chest that's where
three or more ribs are broken in two or more places and that means that you don't get movement of that
portion of the chest during respiration and that hyperventilates. Guillain-Barre syndrome
is an acute polyneuropathy, which can ascend
to affect the nerves that control the respiration,
and these patients need to have their FEV1
monitored, because if it falls then they're
likely to develop respiratory failure. And
again a high cervical cord lesion during a
road traffic accident or something like that would
cause diaphragmatic weakness. The chronic
causes muscular dystrophies, motor neuron
disease, severe kyphoscoliosis, and obesity
as we've discussed already and again the high
cervical cord lesion would persistently cause
underventilation of the lungs. And these
patients present similarly to the
presentation of anybody with chronic type
II respiratory failure, morning headaches
due to the high CO2, general deterioration
in their overall condition, feeling tired
and sleepy. Their spirometry is very important
because with these disorders you cannot develop
type II respiratory failure unless you have
significant restrictive lung function.
The oxygen saturations may be a little low but
the important test is blood gases because
that will identify whether there is type II
respiratory failure present or not.
The treatment is long-term ventilation, if you give
patients long-term noninvasive ventilation
overnight, then if you have a nonprogressive
cause, such as kyphoscoliosis, then their
prognosis is very good. Unfortunately, with
progressive causes, it is only a temporary
treatment, so patients with motor neuron disease
for example, they will usually die because
of type II respiratory failure despite noninvasive
ventilation as the disease progresses.
Two various types of underventilation of the
lung is obstructive sleep apnea and obesity
hyperventilation syndrome. Obstructive sleep apnea
is a very common condition, mainly affecting
men in which the pharynx is recurrently obstructed
at nights during sleep leading to recurrent
dips in the arterial oxygen concentration.
And this is diagnosed using a sleep study
and treatment is essentially weight loss,
and if necessary, you can use CPAP therapy overnight,
which for the patients with more severe disease
and that can be very effective. Obesity hypoventilation
is related to central underventilation and
that is caused by obesity, it tends to be in
women rather than men, although it’s both
sexes and that's an increasingly common cause
of acute and chronic type II respiratory failure
which can often be very difficult to treat
because the underlying problem, obesity is
not quick to be resolved. Thank you for listening