So let's sum up what we've discussed.
Cancer cells are like bullies.
They don't follow the rules, they're
high growth without boundaries,
they go where they're not
supposed to and they metastasize.
That's what going where you're
not supposed to means.
Hair, GI, skin, reproductive and bone marrow
are the five areas of high growth fraction cells
that used to be healthy that
get attacked by chemotherapy.
Remember when it hits that bone marrow -white cells,
platelets and red blood cells usually in that order,
the white cells take the biggest hit,
then the platelets, then the red cells
are the main areas that
get it with chemotherapy.
So patients who are receiving
chemotherapy are also at risk for some
other ugly thing besides those five areas.
Organs can be damaged particularly
kidneys or the heart.
Tissue can be damaged if that
chemotherapy for some reason
leaks out of the vessel
it's being infused into.
Or they can even develop another cancer
because some chemotherapies
can be carcinogenic
Nurses who administer chemotherapy have
to take steps to protect themselves
from exposure to the
chemotherapeutic drugs
If you should happen to spill true
chemotherapy, it's considered a biohazard.
You can't just mop that up with a
paper towel or a rag and move along.
That has to be filed and treated
as a true biohazard spill.
So just stop for a minute
and think about it.
Nurses often have to administer
chemotherapy with all these garb on
and yet we approach our patients and
main line it right in the blood vessel for them
So don't lose sight of how overwhelming
this experience for patients may be
when they receive chemotherapy
and for their families.