
Being a Successful Team Member

by Mark Hughes, MD, MA

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    00:01 So, you are going to be a team member.

    00:04 Either you are already a team member or you're going to be a team member in the future.

    00:08 So, here are some of my practical tips for being a successful team member.

    00:13 So, introduce yourself, you know, say your name, say a little bit about yourself.

    00:18 Learn your other team members' names.

    00:20 So, use their names when you're talking to them as a way to build that rapport with each other.

    00:28 As I said, it's important to have role definition.

    00:30 So clarify what your role on the team is.

    00:34 If you don't know, ask for help and as a team figure out what each person's role is going to be.

    00:41 We talked about in communication skills, closing the communication loop.

    00:45 So you send out information, you communicate something, you want to make sure the other person has heard it.

    00:52 So you close the loop by having them repeat back what's been said.

    00:55 So they say "Yes, I received that information.

    00:58 Especially important in high stake situations like a rapid response team, you want to make sure those communication lids are closed.

    01:08 That also means, you know, sometimes stating the obvious.

    01:10 You might think it's clear, but to avoid any assumptions by the other person, you know, state it, make sure everyone has heard it whenever there is, you know, an issue.

    01:24 If you are not clear not only about your role, but you know, what's going on with the patient, you know, especially if they might be critically ill ask questions.

    01:32 If you're still in training, this is a learning opportunity.

    01:35 So, asking questions to verify, clarify, you're demonstrating one that you want to be continually learning, but it's also helpful for the team if you ask the questions.

    01:47 Maybe that's going to be help for another team member that in their own mind might have been struggling with the same question.

    01:55 When there is disagreement, and as I said there's always going to be disagreement within a team.

    02:00 Find out the other person's perspective.

    02:02 So, part of the communication loop is also hearing from the other person.

    02:06 Why are there coming from with regard to the disagreement.

    02:10 And that's one, you know step in resolving the conflict.

    02:13 You've all heard each other in a mutually respectful way.

    02:19 Always the end goal in that whenever there is a conflict is to keep the patient in mind, you know, focus on what is right for the patient.

    02:26 There may be judgment calls, there may be disagreements about the clinical management of a patient, but everyone should have the same common goal of doing what's right by the patient.

    02:38 And after you've accomplished the task, it's always a good idea to debrief with your team members.

    02:44 How did that go for you? This is what I experienced.

    02:48 What could we do better in the future? All of those kind of questions both build the team, so you all support each other but it also means that for future patients you're going to do a better job with them.

    03:03 So those are just some practical tips.

    03:04 Thank you about being a successful team member.

    03:07 I wish you success as you go into healthcare and become members of healthcare teams.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Being a Successful Team Member by Mark Hughes, MD, MA is from the course Communication with Patients and within the Health Care Team.

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Closing the communication loop
    2. Not stating the obvious
    3. Asking a question only once
    4. Going to the boss when there are disagreements
    5. Setting aside patient care and focusing on the personal dispute when a conflict arises
    1. Understanding the other person's perspective
    2. Researching another opinion online
    3. Asking your spouse for help
    4. Chatting with a friend about the situation
    5. Ignoring the team until the conflict is resolved

    Author of lecture Being a Successful Team Member

     Mark Hughes, MD, MA

    Mark Hughes, MD, MA

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