
Ask an NP – The Certification Renewal Process

by Elizabeth Russ, FNP

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    00:01 So the requirements to renew your certification as an FMP are going to vary based on who you certified through.

    00:07 So that's AANP or ANCC. I'm through AANP.

    00:10 So every five years you are up for certification.

    00:15 Again, I'm in the process right now. And it's kind of brutal.

    00:18 You have to show all of your CEUs that you have.

    00:21 I can't remember off the top of my head, how many it is.

    00:24 I want to say, maybe 100.

    00:26 And then 20 of them have to be pharmacology specific.

    00:29 But the thing here that I wish my past self had known would be to keep track of all of those CEUs and upload them to the website that you're going to need to use as you go.

    00:40 So you're not like me and digging through old records from five years ago trying to upload the CEUs now.

    00:46 Just keep track of it from the beginning and upload them as you do them. That way when you recertify literally all you have to do is make sure you meet the requirements, you know, you check all the boxes that you haven't done anything naughty and you're good to go.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Ask an NP – The Certification Renewal Process by Elizabeth Russ, FNP is from the course Ask an NP: Elizabeth Russ, FNP.

    Author of lecture Ask an NP – The Certification Renewal Process

     Elizabeth Russ, FNP

    Elizabeth Russ, FNP

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