
Tiefe UA-Strecker (5 Mm.), Details: 2. M abductor pollicis longus 3. M. ext. poll. brevis & 4. longus

by Prof. Dr. med. Steffen-Boris Wirth (1)

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    About the Lecture

    The lecture Tiefe UA-Strecker (5 Mm.), Details: 2. M abductor pollicis longus 3. M. ext. poll. brevis & 4. longus by Prof. Dr. med. Steffen-Boris Wirth (1) is from the course Obere Extremität: Unterarmmuskeln.

    Author of lecture Tiefe UA-Strecker (5 Mm.), Details: 2. M abductor pollicis longus 3. M. ext. poll. brevis & 4. longus

    Prof. Dr. med. Steffen-Boris Wirth (1)

    Prof. Dr. med. Steffen-Boris Wirth (1)

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