
Writing a Speech: Magical Phrase

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 The magical phrase is example.

    00:03 Let me give you an example, for example.

    00:07 Research shows that if you put a video camera on an audience and the speaker says, let me give you an example of, for example, there's palpable head and eye movement upward.

    00:19 People are looking up, trying to really figure out what it is you're talking about. They're trying to see it for themselves.

    00:27 They're trying to visualize it.

    00:29 I have never in the 30 years of this business heard people coming out of a convention hall saying, I hated the way that speaker gave us so many interesting, relevant examples.

    00:40 The beauty of examples is it takes a concept from the abstract to the particular. It allows your audience to visualize it, to understand it, to taste it, touch it, feel it.

    00:52 So any point that you want people to understand and remember, you need to illustrate that point with an example.

    01:01 Don't tell me there's no time.

    01:03 If there's no time for an example, then there's no time to talk about the concept in the first place.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Writing a Speech: Magical Phrase by TJ Walker is from the course Creating A Presentation for Public Speaking (EN).

    Author of lecture Writing a Speech: Magical Phrase

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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