
Why Trends Are Not Always Indicative of the Future

by Maximilian Kramer

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    00:06 Before I talk about digitalizing the way people buy things, I want to say a few words about trends. Trends start either when new technologies come out or when experts in a field push these kinds of topics forward.

    00:19 So, which trends should you follow, and which should you ignore? It makes sense for a company to follow trends that give it easy wins at the same time. This means things that are related to what the company is going through right now.

    00:38 Before following trends, companies should first do their own research.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Why Trends Are Not Always Indicative of the Future by Maximilian Kramer is from the course Practical Examples of Digitalization: Purchasing Processes with Maximilian Kramer.

    Author of lecture Why Trends Are Not Always Indicative of the Future

     Maximilian Kramer

    Maximilian Kramer

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