
Where Is the Journey Taking Us?

by Frank Eilers

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    00:06 Now, the big question is what to do next.

    00:08 You could say that the economy is getting more and more connected, which means that everything is linked to everything else, which include data collection.

    00:16 On the other hand, they send it back.

    00:18 This shows that everything is connected in some way.

    00:21 On every level, people will interact, and everything will become predictable.

    00:25 Everything will be easier to plan for, work better, and cost less.

    00:29 Everything will be just right.

    00:31 That's the big utopia, and at the same time, we have the cell phone, the smartphone, and being online all the time.

    00:38 We might also have a smartwatch on our wrist or a chip between our thumb and index finger.

    00:43 This is already a pretty normal thing for dogs, cats, and some people.

    00:47 So, it's clear that a lot has happened, and it's also clear that the government has a plan. As digitization and digital transformation move forward, people in cities say, "We want this data too." We just talked about how the transparent citizen works.

    01:02 It doesn't really matter. We want to gather this information because we want to make the world a better place.

    01:08 As a result, we will get new structures, new laws, and new rules.

    01:12 We will follow these laws, get older, and use data.

    01:16 This will also make people healthier, and because we will pay for everything digitally, it might help us fight organized crime.

    01:22 People will no longer be able to get away from the police because they will know where everyone is. Think about this thing you're holding between your thumb and index finger.

    01:32 It's like 1984, which is a great book by George Orwell.

    01:36 Maybe some of this is already happening, and while we're talking about where the journey is going, I'd like to quote Casey Neistat.

    01:42 He is a well-known filmmaker and YouTuber from New York.

    01:46 He has influenced a whole generation on the Internet that is much younger than me.

    01:50 He said, "In this new world, no one knows anything, so you don't have to listen to anyone." And this is a pretty good way to put it.

    01:57 We don't know what will happen in the future, but I can tell you one thing: You can trust me.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Where Is the Journey Taking Us? by Frank Eilers is from the course Companies in Digital Change (EN).

    Author of lecture Where Is the Journey Taking Us?

     Frank Eilers

    Frank Eilers

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