
Voice Improvement: Summary

by TJ Walker

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    00:01 Congratulations. We're at the end of the course together.

    00:03 I hope you've gotten something out of this.

    00:06 To summarize, I think there's an excellent chance you don't have some horrible voice.

    00:11 You simply have to use the voice you already have more effectively, and to train your voice to not imitate me or Ronald Reagan or some other famous actor, but to train your voice, to sound like you do when you're comfortable and relaxed.

    00:29 All of us, when we're talking to friends, family about issues we're passionate about, tend to use the full range of our voice.

    00:37 Our speeds change, our volumes change.

    00:39 That's what makes us interesting.

    00:42 That's what makes us sound confident.

    00:45 If you can sound confident and relaxed and use your voice in the way you do when you are confident and relaxed, your voice is going to be a net asset to you and it's not going to be a problem at all.

    00:58 Let's face it, the bigger problem for most people is not their voice, it's what they say.

    01:04 And that's the subject of a different course.

    01:06 I'm TJ Walker.

    01:07 Good luck with all your presentations in life.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Voice Improvement: Summary by TJ Walker is from the course How to Improve Your Voice (EN).

    Author of lecture Voice Improvement: Summary

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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