
Using PowerPoint in Presentations

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 Should I use PowerPoint or other technology to help me in my presentation? It's a question people often ask.

    00:08 Here's the answer, yes.

    00:11 If it helps your audience, the PowerPoint is never for you.

    00:16 The Speaker. You have to realize that the slides any technology you use is always about helping your audience get a better understanding of your messages, your topic, and to make it more memorable for them.

    00:31 So any time you hear a speaker, so I don't need PowerPoint, well, I should hope not.

    00:35 You should already know this material.

    00:38 The PowerPoint is never for the speaker, it's always for the audience.

    00:42 So just because you're comfortable with the material doesn't mean you should not use PowerPoint. If there's a particular picture, an image, a graph that can truly make your ideas come alive to your audience to help them have a greater understanding of it, then by all means, use it. It may take you some time creating it.

    01:04 Your audience doesn't care.

    01:06 They just want your best.

    01:07 So when you're trying to make this decision of using technology, other presentation technology enhancements always focus on what's really important helping the audience.

    01:19 If you do that, you'll make the right decision.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Using PowerPoint in Presentations by TJ Walker is from the course PowerPoint Presentations in Public Speaking (EN).

    Author of lecture Using PowerPoint in Presentations

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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