
Strategy for Voice Improvement: Other Techniques

by TJ Walker

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    00:01 You may have noticed in this course, I haven't spent a lot of time talking about speak from the diaphragm and put your tongue at the top part of the back of your teeth and go to.

    00:15 I'm not knocking some of those techniques I've just found for most people, most of the time they don't help much because they simply don't stick.

    00:24 It's not repeatable.

    00:27 The main thing I advocate that does help that I find is repeatable, that makes substantial change is practicing on video and audio, really listening to yourself, getting comfortable with how you're coming across, having that mental image, that memory of how your voice is.

    00:46 And that is what is going to give you the confidence to sound confident and not let the nerves trip you up to cause all these problems I've talked about.

    00:55 If you want to try the other solutions of breathing exercises, diaphragm exercises, different positioning things with your tongue, then you be my guest.

    01:08 And as I mentioned before, if you really have a severe, severe speech impediment or other neurological problem, then I would advise you to consult with a speech pathologist.

    01:20 Speech therapist.

    01:22 But if you have the garden variety problem of just not liking your voice because you sound scared, nervous, uncomfortable, blah, blah, the exercises in this course will solve your problems.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Strategy for Voice Improvement: Other Techniques by TJ Walker is from the course How to Improve Your Voice (EN).

    Author of lecture Strategy for Voice Improvement: Other Techniques

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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