
Strategy for Voice Improvement: Diagnosis Your Own Voice

by TJ Walker

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    00:01 Now I want you to listen to your voice that 60 seconds at 2 minutes of audio. And I want you to really take some notes.

    00:10 I want to know exactly what you don't like about your voice.

    00:17 I don't want some "Oh, everything is awful".

    00:20 That's too general.

    00:21 That's too vague. You can't fix something.

    00:23 That general, that vague.

    00:25 I need you to write down exactly what it is you don't like.

    00:31 Are you too high-pitched? Is it too scratchy? Is your energy too low? Are you too monotone? Are you too soft? Do you sound like you're scared of yourself? Do you sound robotic? What is it? There's no right or wrong answer here.

    00:47 Yeah, it's subjective, but it's about you.

    00:49 I want you to be happy with your voice, so there's something that doesn't make you happy. Write it down.

    00:55 It's critically essential for you to know exactly what it is you don't like. We can't fix something if we don't know what the problem is. So you've got to be the first step in this diagnosis. Write down every single thing you don't like about your voice. Do it now.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Strategy for Voice Improvement: Diagnosis Your Own Voice by TJ Walker is from the course How to Improve Your Voice (EN).

    Author of lecture Strategy for Voice Improvement: Diagnosis Your Own Voice

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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