
Strategies for Public Speaking: Preparation

by TJ Walker

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    00:01 How to prepare a speech.

    00:02 In a nutshell, do the following Brainstorm on every message you could say to this audience on the topic at hand.

    00:09 Narrow it down to the top five.

    00:11 Brainstorm on a story or two and an example for each message point.

    00:18 Come up with a fact or a number for each message point.

    00:22 Then have a simple one page outline that has no more than three or four words per line.

    00:30 Then practice the speech on video.

    00:34 It can be your own cell phone.

    00:36 Keep practicing and tell you like it.

    00:39 If you do that, you will be ahead of 95% of the public speakers in the world.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Strategies for Public Speaking: Preparation by TJ Walker is from the course Public Speaking Mechanics (EN).

    Author of lecture Strategies for Public Speaking: Preparation

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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