
Strategies for Presentations: Focus in Public Speeches

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 When you are giving a PowerPoint presentation, it's critical that your focus stays on your audience, the slides, whether they are behind you or in front of you.

    00:12 That's for your audience.

    00:13 It's not for you.

    00:15 You don't want to be these speakers who's sort of turning around.

    00:18 All you see is the back of the head and the creases in their jacket.

    00:23 You have to focus on your audience if you're focusing on PowerPoint slides, especially if it's a bunch of texts.

    00:30 I can tell you exactly what your audience is going to do.

    00:34 Do, do. Do, do, do.

    00:35 Challenge. Check, email.

    00:36 Let's check sports scores.

    00:38 Let's check stock price.

    00:39 They are going to ignore you.

    00:41 It's human nature. If you ignore your audience, they will ignore you.

    00:46 So you have to be focused on your audience.

    00:49 You need to be giving eye contact at least 95% of the time on members of your audience.

    00:55 If you don't do that, you will lose them.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Strategies for Presentations: Focus in Public Speeches by TJ Walker is from the course PowerPoint Presentations in Public Speaking (EN).

    Author of lecture Strategies for Presentations: Focus in Public Speeches

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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