
Storytelling in Public Speaking

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 The difference is not the eye contact or the gestures or even the humor.

    00:04 The biggest difference is that great speakers consistently illustrate every single key point with a story, not necessarily a funny story or a dramatic story, but they do it with a story.

    00:18 Human beings are programmed to listen, understand, visualized stories before there was text, before there is chipping away at stones and cave walls, people told stories.

    00:34 It's still the most compelling way to get people to a pay attention, be, understand and see.

    00:42 Remember. Now average speakers below average speakers.

    00:46 Oh, yeah, yeah. TJ. You know, I love stories.

    00:49 They're great with motivational speakers.

    00:50 But you know what? I'm a tech guy. I can't do that.

    00:53 I'm a finance got baloney.

    00:56 It doesn't matter what industry you're in, it doesn't matter your position.

    01:01 Great communicators consistently tell a story.

    01:04 Warren Buffett does it.

    01:07 Steve Jobs did it.

    01:09 Ronald Reagan did it.

    01:10 Bill Clinton does it.

    01:12 So if you want to be a truly great communicator, you have to tell stories now.

    01:16 You don't have to tell award-winning stories that are going to get turned into movies.

    01:21 All you have to do is have a few simple elements.

    01:24 I'm going to walk you through these elements in the next videos on this playlist, so pay close attention.

    01:31 But the first thing you've got to do is get over this emotional hurdle where a lot of people tell themselves, Oh, I can't tell stories.

    01:38 I don't know any stories.

    01:39 Well, if you've ever had a single conversation with one person about a real problem and how it was resolved, you have a story. That's all it is.

    01:50 People ask me all the time, T.J., can I make up stories? You could, but that's really hard.

    01:57 I don't want you to work harder.

    01:58 I want you to think smarter.

    02:00 The best stories for your presentations come from your own real life experiences, conversations you've had with clients, customers, colleagues.

    02:12 That's where you should draw upon for your story database.

    02:17 Not from a book, not from a movie, not from you.

    02:21 Having creative writing inspiration.

    02:24 You need to draw upon your own real life experiences.

    02:28 I'm going to tell you more details of how to tell stories in the following videos in this sequence.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Storytelling in Public Speaking by TJ Walker is from the course Public Speaking Mechanics (EN).

    Author of lecture Storytelling in Public Speaking

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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