
Special Speeches: Eulogies

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 So how do you deliver an effective eulogy? Big tip, I would not read a eulogy.

    00:13 After all, this is a presentation that's not about the most number of facts or bullet points. This is about emotion.

    00:20 And if you get upset, or you cry a little, that's okay.

    00:23 If ever there's a time to be emotional, it's at a funeral.

    00:28 And when you're delivering a eulogy, however, you don't want to just get up there and blubber. You do want to be able to keep it together and to get through the points.

    00:35 Here's what I would recommend doing.

    00:37 Don't try to cover the person's entire life and go through every single accomplishment and where they went to college.

    00:45 At this stage, that's not what people care about.

    00:48 What you can do is help put a spotlight on a few of the traits and a few of the moments that really were special for this person and others in the audience.

    00:59 Try to tell stories about personal acts of kindness or whatever it is that really display the fundamental essence of what this person was about.

    01:09 Talk about your conversations with this person, perhaps problems that were overcome.

    01:16 Be personal and again, try to put a spotlight on the good this person did.

    01:22 You're not the official biographer.

    01:23 It's not your job to give point, counterpoint and all sides.

    01:28 It's your job to put a spotlight on what was great about this person's life and what will be missed.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Special Speeches: Eulogies by TJ Walker is from the course Advanced Techniques in Public Speaking (EN).

    Author of lecture Special Speeches: Eulogies

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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