
Speaking Strategies: Defining an Outcome

by TJ Walker

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    00:01 So you've decided you've got to give a speech.

    00:03 Where do you start before you start practicing out loud or videotaping yourself, or just writing and writing? I want you to step back for a minute and really ask yourself, what is the desired outcome of your presentation? You're not just speaking for the fun of it.

    00:17 Presumably you're not just speaking to tell people every single thing you've done in the last quarter, what you know in a subject.

    00:25 So you've got to really step back.

    00:27 This is critical, and ask yourself what is the desired outcome? What do I want my audience to do after listening to me? Until you've answered that question, you are frankly wasting your time on creating bullet points or brainstorming or doing more research.

    00:46 So that's the first step.

    00:48 What is the outcome you want from your audience?

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Speaking Strategies: Defining an Outcome by TJ Walker is from the course Creating A Presentation for Public Speaking (EN).

    Author of lecture Speaking Strategies: Defining an Outcome

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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