
Speaking Strategies: Brainstorming

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 The next step in preparing your presentation is, you've got to brainstorm on all the ideas you want to communicate to your audience.

    00:08 I do not recommend that you sit down and just try to type a 20-page speech. For some people, it's easier to sort of sit back, relax, have a notepad.

    00:17 You may want to take notes on your iPhone, your iPad.

    00:19 It doesn't really matter.

    00:20 But rather than thinking in terms of entire paragraphs and flow, just brainstorm ideas and ideas, something you should be able to communicate in 10 seconds or less.

    00:31 Ten words or less.

    00:33 Just start brainstorming on every idea on this topic that you might want to communicate to the audience.

    00:40 Don't check things off, don't scrutinize it.

    00:44 Don't be critical.

    00:45 Just dump it all out there.

    00:48 That is the next step.

    00:50 Until you do that, you haven't really done your due diligence.

    00:54 And there's the danger. You're in the middle of a speech, and you're thinking, Hmm, I wonder if I should put this idea in or what about that? You don't want to be thinking on your feet.

    01:02 You want to think on your seat when there's no one around.

    01:06 So go into this brainstorming mode of thinking of every possible idea you can come up with.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Speaking Strategies: Brainstorming by TJ Walker is from the course Creating A Presentation for Public Speaking (EN).

    Author of lecture Speaking Strategies: Brainstorming

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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