
Server Failure and Power Blackout (Managers)

by Frank Eilers

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    00:07 What level of security do your servers have? I received an answer the other day.

    00:12 Our servers are safe because they are kept in the basement.

    00:15 Nobody has access to them since they are kept away.

    00:19 That is not always the case.

    00:21 Economic espionage comes to mind when we think about Internet crime.

    00:25 However, there may be hackers whose sole purpose is to cripple your organization, your corporation. So the aim is not your data, but your infrastructure.

    00:35 Small businesses, in particular, undervalue this catastrophic failure.

    00:40 In the end, it may even endanger your life.

    00:44 There are viruses and trojans, as well as sabotage and infiltration.

    00:49 However, DDoS assaults occur when numerous computers attack your servers at the same time. In these instances, we are discussing bot networks, but there are also acts of God.

    00:59 There have been lightning strikes.

    01:01 There have been floods.

    01:02 There are forest fires, and there are fires that jump from one building to the next.

    01:08 However, your server room could catch fire even if there is no forest fire, such as when a hard disk overheats.

    01:16 Then there are software and hardware issues, as well as the human aspect.

    01:23 When people commit mistakes, this can lead to server problems and, on rare occasions, a power outage. What happens if there is a power outage? Although improbable, if you live in an afflicted area, this might have an immediate impact on your business.

    01:46 The office lights go out, the registers crash, the machines stop, and the entire production shuts down.

    01:53 A blackout might last several hours in some firms.

    01:58 Is your organization equipped with an emergency power generator, such as a diesel-powered secondary current? And what happens when this system needs to be powered up? It can take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes.

    02:13 An uninterruptible power supply, or UPS, can be useful in certain situations.

    02:19 It runs on batteries and primarily safeguards critical electronics like servers, computers, and telephone systems.

    02:29 The battery-powered mechanism keeps us safe until the diesel engine kicks in.

    02:34 There are numerous solutions and combinations.

    02:37 You must determine the best approach for your firm.

    02:41 Companies, including yourself, must clearly explain where the hazards are, what the basic threats are, what organizational flaws exist, and where the human aspect plays an especially essential role.

    02:57 How do we deal with technical errors, and how can we avoid them? We require well-defined processes, structures, and roles, all of which must be defined. We require well-defined processes and structures.

    03:15 We require defined responsibilities and information.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Server Failure and Power Blackout (Managers) by Frank Eilers is from the course Digital Awareness: Knowing the Risks and Preventing Them (EN).

    Included Quiz Questions

    1. Bot networks
    2. Trojans
    3. Hardware failures
    4. Software errors

    Author of lecture Server Failure and Power Blackout (Managers)

     Frank Eilers

    Frank Eilers

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