
PowerPoint Presentation: Technical Recommendations

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 If you're looking for a simple technique to get your audience to focus on you, and you're giving a PowerPoint, try this option.

    00:07 Hit the letter B on your laptop.

    00:10 During your PowerPoint presentation, it will black out the screen, hitting any key whatsoever brings it back to life.

    00:18 Same screen you were on.

    00:19 So if you've just finished going through a PowerPoint slide, and now you're talking about something else, but you're not ready for the next slide, you can simply hit the letter B blacks out the screen.

    00:30 People see nothing.

    00:32 You don't have to stop, turn a computer on or off.

    00:34 You can also hit the key w w will white out the screen.

    00:39 I prefer black because it's less distracting.

    00:41 If all of a sudden it's a bright white screen, it can still attract eye attention there. But if you can hit the letter B and then any key whatsoever, the space bar, the return bar, any bar whatsoever will bring it back.

    00:54 This way your audience isn't distracted, and you can get people to focus on one thing at a time.

    01:00 If you're speaking, don't give them anything to look at.

    01:03 If you want them to look at stuff on your screen, stop talking.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture PowerPoint Presentation: Technical Recommendations by TJ Walker is from the course PowerPoint Presentations in Public Speaking (EN).

    Author of lecture PowerPoint Presentation: Technical Recommendations

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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