
PowerPoint Presentation: Basics

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 Key concept for you to remember the next time you give a PowerPoint presentation, here's the concept. You aren't giving a PowerPoint presentation.

    00:11 You're giving a SAM presentation.

    00:14 You're giving an Olivia presentation.

    00:16 It's your presentation.

    00:17 You are the star of the show.

    00:19 Now, I don't mean to suggest you have a big ego, or you want to become the President of the United States.

    00:24 But do you realize that people are still looking at you? They're making judgments about your intelligence, your capabilities, your short term potential, long term potential.

    00:35 Ultimately, it is your presentation.

    00:38 You may or may not be using slides.

    00:40 Here's why this is significant.

    00:42 A lot of people are really good communicators over the phone, one on one, a sales meeting, sitting down, talking to three people because they get good examples, case studies, stories.

    00:53 They're interactive, they're engaging, they're gesturing.

    00:57 But the second they have to give a so-called PowerPoint presentation, all that is thrown out the window, and they become boring data dumpers.

    01:07 Don't let that happen to you.

    01:08 Remember, you are not giving a PowerPoint presentation.

    01:12 You are giving your presentation that may or may not have slides that help the audience.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture PowerPoint Presentation: Basics by TJ Walker is from the course PowerPoint Presentations in Public Speaking (EN).

    Author of lecture PowerPoint Presentation: Basics

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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