
Keeping the Audience Interested

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 So what do you do if you're just plainly losing your audience? It happens to people.

    00:05 It's happened to me.

    00:07 You can't simply proceed as if nothing's happening.

    00:11 Now, there may be times it's after lunch.

    00:13 People are tired, they want a nap.

    00:15 Maybe the room is too warm, and it's putting people to sleep.

    00:18 There may be times when you have to say, Look, let's all spend 30 seconds, stand up and stretch.

    00:23 I'm feeling hot and tired.

    00:25 I know you are, too.

    00:26 It may be something as specific as that.

    00:30 Sometimes your subject matter is just losing them, and you're going to have to make a quick decision to get rid of some of your content and go to something more interesting. Sometimes you may have to decide to really engage your audience.

    00:43 Sometimes the best is just to deal with the issue head on.

    00:48 Sally. I feel like I'm losing some of you.

    00:51 Tell me, where have I gotten fuzzy? Here. Can you help me out and put the spotlight on someone there, and maybe someone in the audience can help you out? But if you just ignore it, you're only going to make the problem worse. So either change the room, change the temperature, change your subject area, change your direction, change the style.

    01:14 Do something to get yourself out of this rut.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Keeping the Audience Interested by TJ Walker is from the course Public Speaking Mechanics (EN).

    Author of lecture Keeping the Audience Interested

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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