Company ethics and values create an internal
framework for an organization; they guide the
entire organization and all employees.
Furthermore, they create an external legal
framework, and if we're talking about
digitalization, the European Union has had
the General Data Protection Regulation, or
GDPR, since May 2018.
But why is data security so critical?
I must protect the information of my
consumers and partners.
Despite and because of digitization, privacy
is the ultimate goal.
This is mostly about personal information,
such as name, age, birth date, birthplace,
financial assets, bank account number, and
so on.
Is it possible for others (or myself) to
recognize and correlate the data?
That is the big question; that is what I
need to defend, and the next question is how
all staff should be taught.
How do we ensure the fundamentals?
Which criteria must I implement as an
organization to prevent further data leaks?
Then there's contract law to consider.
Millions of contracts are signed over the
Internet every day, and the question is, what
are the sellers' obligations?
What are the buyers' rights?
Are my terms and conditions up to date?
What about legal responsibility?
What about rescheduling?
Is there new legislation?
There is a lot of space for improvement and
growth here.
The crucial thing is that as an
entrepreneur, I am always up to speed and
have my finger on the legal pulse.
Everyone that sells on the big, well-known
platforms understands what I'm talking about,
and they understand what happens if you
#warningletter. What happens when something
fails to function properly?
Then we've arrived at the crux of liability
Who is responsible for damages?
Liability law is very important on all
platforms, with all digital technologies,
with the Internet of Things, and in many
other areas.
I would advise you to hire a professional
lawyer for this.
What about intellectual property protection?
We have IP law, or intellectual property
law, here.
This legislation governs who owns what,
which is something that many people overlook
on the Internet. This may be familiar to
You might be looking for an image of a
garden, so you type "garden" into Google,
download the image, save it to your
computer, and include it in your PowerPoint
presentation. Then you present an image of a
garden to an audience, and at that same
moment, you breach IP law, the
photographer's intellectual property, because
he owns the image.
This is said everywhere, but the majority of
people simply do not care, which is not the
case. As a result, intellectual property
legislation is extremely stringent and can be
prohibitively expensive.
So, my counsel to you is to be cautious: the
Internet is not a law-free zone.
The GDPR exists in the EU.
From America to Asia, I don't want to claim
that data protection is non-existent, but
things appear to be very different, and
perhaps you have a company and want to Expand
- you want to travel to new countries, sell
your products or services there, and this
goes hand in hand with new legal framework
Then your ethics and attitude come into
What do you do if you live in the United
States but are familiar with the GDPR from
Europe? Will you put yourself at a
competitive disadvantage solely to maintain
the European standard in the United States?
What are your expectations?
What are your thoughts on this matter?
Do you adhere to American norms, putting you
on the point of being unlawful in Europe?
- You must define that.
The legal framework and corporate ethics are
inextricably linked.
A simple example from aviation: we have an
airline where the company value of safety is
at the top of the agenda, and now there is a
regulatory framework that states, "You need
to train the pilots in the area XY once per
year." Our airline, on the other hand, claims
that "our company value is safety; we want
to protect our passengers." We want to get
them from point A to point B securely, so we
train our pilots three times a year." They
are only required to perform it once, but
they perform it three times.
That is the legal framework, and behind it
is the attitude, the corporate value, and the
company ethics, and we can see that the
legal framework may be the basis.
However, company ethics and attitude can go
far deeper, and this is true for data
protection as well as all other regulatory
framework criteria.
You establish the region and boundaries
within which you operate, especially in the
internet environment, where there is a new
business model and a new manner of
communicating with clients or partners.
The business model comes first, followed by
the legislation.
The firm ethics essentially take precedence
over the jurisdiction.
In the best-case scenario, corporate ethics
becomes a corporate culture, which means that
all parties involved identify with the firm
values and operate in accordance with the
ethical standards.
As a result, within the legal framework,
there is a culture of cooperation.
The legal structure must occasionally
intervene to sharpen the profile, but the
entire organization, the entire corporation,
is built on the same solid foundation.