
Introduction to Voice Improvement

by TJ Walker

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    00:01 Wouldn't you like to know that every single time you opened your mouth, you sounded your best? That's what this course is about.

    00:08 That's what I'm going to teach you.

    00:10 How to do, how to speak with confidence so that you sound better than you currently do, and that you sound the best you can possibly sound.

    00:20 Now, this isn't going to make you sound like a Hollywood star who does voiceover commercials and makes $10 a year.

    00:27 But you can know how to sound your best every single time if you follow the tips in this course.

    00:34 So we're going to hop right into it now.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Introduction to Voice Improvement by TJ Walker is from the course How to Improve Your Voice (EN).

    Author of lecture Introduction to Voice Improvement

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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