
Introduction to the Digitalization of Purchasing Processes

by Maximilian Kramer

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    00:06 For me, digitalization means moving processes from the analog world into the digital world.

    00:12 I've learned that there are two groups when it comes to digital transformation.

    00:16 There are people who try to keep things the same and people who try to move things forward. I'd like to talk about how you might be able to move from the group of traditionalists to the other by listening to certain impulses and learning about particular approaches.

    00:31 I'd also like to talk about how you can move digital topics forward in the company.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Introduction to the Digitalization of Purchasing Processes by Maximilian Kramer is from the course Practical Examples of Digitalization: Purchasing Processes with Maximilian Kramer.

    Author of lecture Introduction to the Digitalization of Purchasing Processes

     Maximilian Kramer

    Maximilian Kramer

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