
Innovations in the Context of Values and Law

by Maximilian Kramer

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    00:07 But why did we create a system based on principles and ethics that saves manpower and hence reduces job opportunities? Every individual has their own set of morals that are influenced by society, education, and experience. Companies in Germany compete on a worldwide scale as well.

    00:26 That means they must make the best use of their human resources.

    00:30 We can either play along, play incorrectly, or refuse to play in capitalism.

    00:35 We elected to play along, and we created a system that optimizes operations to use people exceptionally efficiently.

    00:43 That was the company's point of view.

    00:45 But what does this mean for you personally? You will constantly be presented with the subject of law, no matter what field you are in. That may not be enjoyable, but we must consider these issues.

    00:57 Consider the process of initiating business transactions.

    01:00 According to Section 7 of the German Law Against Unfair Competition, every email sent without agreement constitutes harassment.

    01:08 That means that in both B2C and B2B situations, you must seek permission from the individual to whom you wish to send an email.

    01:17 That doesn't mean we can't make the start of a commercial deal a digital procedure.

    01:21 For example, platforms such as LinkedIn and Xing allow us to contact users as we see fit.

    01:27 However, you should not go overboard on these networks because they do not tolerate spam. They want to provide a great experience for their users.

    01:36 So, instead of using tools and standard letters to automate your procedures, add value to your counterpart and prioritize the activities you intend to complete.

    01:46 Always create objectives and do things to assist you reach them.

    01:50 If you wish to digitalize procedures, for example, please take steps to achieve that aim, as well as consider which certifications you will need in the future.

    02:05 We have just gone through several ways and impulses; but, what does this signify for all of us? We should all brace ourselves for disruption in our own fields.

    02:15 The first step is to gather information.

    02:17 If you try to foster innovation in your company, you will be viewed as an unwelcome maverick. At the same time, you ensure that you and your company will be able to stay in business.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Innovations in the Context of Values and Law by Maximilian Kramer is from the course Practical Examples of Digitalization: Purchasing Processes with Maximilian Kramer.

    Author of lecture Innovations in the Context of Values and Law

     Maximilian Kramer

    Maximilian Kramer

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