
How to Handle a Heckler

by TJ Walker

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    00:00 Folks. I hope it doesn't happen to you.

    00:02 Many people go throughout their entire business career giving presentations and are never heckled. But I can tell you I've been heckled before.

    00:08 It's not fun, but it's not the end of the world.

    00:12 The important thing is not that you have this really snappy, funny one-liner that reduces the person to rubble, and he cries and runs out of the room.

    00:21 You don't have to do that, but you do need to make sure that you don't wilt, that you don't act upset, scared, afraid.

    00:30 That's really the most important thing.

    00:33 And showing patients don't get angry, don't elevate the situation. There may be times when you have to say, look, one of us can speak. It's going to be you.

    00:44 Be my guest. Now, that's not my first choice.

    00:46 But if someone persist or you can take a vote, how many of us want to hear him versus me? Or you could just say, Sir, thank you for sharing.

    00:58 And then just keep on.

    00:59 Now, I say, sir, because in my experience, most hecklers are men.

    01:04 But there's no one perfect response.

    01:07 The main thing is don't look bothered.

    01:10 Don't run off the stage.

    01:12 Don't get flustered.

    01:14 And people will give you points and credit for handling the situation with class.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture How to Handle a Heckler by TJ Walker is from the course Advanced Techniques in Public Speaking (EN).

    Author of lecture How to Handle a Heckler

     TJ Walker

    TJ Walker

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