
Closing Projects

by 365 Careers

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    00:04 All right. Let's wrap up with the four reasons why closing a project is important. Which are to obtain formal acceptance of the deliverables to communicate the project completion.

    00:16 To reflect on the lessons learned.

    00:17 And to celebrate the success.

    00:20 In more detail.

    00:22 First is the formal acceptance of the deliverables, even though your project is finished as per your plan and Gantt-Chart.

    00:29 The sponsor still needs to give the final approval.

    00:32 Remember in the kick off meeting, you had to agree on the criteria that needs to be achieved and who will give the final.

    00:38 Yes. Well, this is it.

    00:41 It can be as simple as an email for small projects or an official contractual sign off for bigger projects.

    00:49 It is also the time to close any other agreements open during the project and to make any final payments.

    00:58 Then you must communicate the project completion to the organization.

    01:03 Remember Jeff from the previous lesson? Well, for the last 12 months of your project, you have been the go to person for almost everything.

    01:10 And this showroom is going to continue to have issues and the staff are going to continue to have ideas.

    01:16 But it is no longer your project.

    01:19 The temporary initiative has finished and it's going into its day to day business.

    01:24 It is no longer your responsibility, and unless you want to constantly be called while you're working on your next project, then you need to make sure everyone knows that the project is finished.

    01:37 The most common way to do this is through email.

    01:40 Of course, keep it enthusiastic and friendly.

    01:42 Say how much you enjoyed yourself, how great the team was, and make any special mentions.

    01:47 It's time to move on.

    01:49 But you want to leave on a good note.

    01:53 After that, you should collect the lessons learned.

    01:56 If only you knew then what you know now, all those issues you could have prevented an activity which could have been completed quicker.

    02:04 Well, this is your chance to give yourself an advantage for your next project by collecting and documenting all lessons learned.

    02:12 The best way is to organize a meeting and ask the participants of the project to share two things. What worked well and what didn't work so well and how it can be done better next time.

    02:25 Simple. As long as you encourage openness, you will gain many useful pointers. You must save these pointers and add them to your growing knowledge base.

    02:36 And lastly, celebrate success.

    02:39 Your showroom did not build itself, nor was it a one man job.

    02:44 Congratulating your team is super important.

    02:47 Although they may be ready to start the next challenge.

    02:50 Taking some time to congratulate a job well done is great for morale.

    02:55 How you do this is completely up to you.

    02:58 Whatever's appropriate.

    03:00 It could be as simple as a thank you note.

    03:02 Maybe some dinner and a bottle of champagne at the bar or something really special.

    03:06 Like a trip into space.

    03:11 And with that, you've closed the project.

    03:14 Everyone is super impressed with your work.

    03:16 Even the CEO comes up to you with a massive bouquet of flowers to thank you for your work. They also tell you that due to the success of this project, another showroom project is being initiated in Asia and that you should keep your phone on you as you may receive a call.

    03:32 Amazing. You've always wanted to work in Asia.

    03:37 You say your goodbyes to everyone.

    03:38 And as you're about to leave, Stephen from HR says to you that it's getting late and he should order you a taxi.

    03:45 You respond by telling him that there is no need as you planned, for a late finish and brought lights for your bike.

    03:52 Project Manager for Life.

    03:55 The End.

    About the Lecture

    The lecture Closing Projects by 365 Careers is from the course Project Phase: Monitoring, Controlling, Closure (EN).

    Author of lecture Closing Projects

     365 Careers

    365 Careers

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