Lecturio’s online

Nursing Prerequisites Course

Succeed in your nursing program by building a solid foundation in nursing prerequisites

Lecturio's Anatomy Course with Prof. Pickering
Course outline


Master nursing prerequisites online

Self-paced with excellent instructors

Nursing prerequisites lay the foundation of every nurse’s future career. The subjects, however, are challenging to many nursing school candidates.

This course will walk you through all relevant basic-science topics you need for your prerequisites: anatomy, chemistry (ionic, medical, and organic), microbiology (bacteria, viruses, and fungi), molecular and cell biology (including cellular structure, enzymes and metabolism) as well as important concepts of psychology and sociology. A team of experienced instructors walks you through the materials, using their experience and engaging teaching to point you to the must-know concepts and make them easy to understand.

An adaptive learning algorithm, downloadable Cheat Sheets, and a NCLEX-style Qbank are part of the learning platform, boosting retention and understanding. By the end of this course, you will have a solid foundation in the prerequisites for nursing and can walk into your first day of nursing school with confidence!

466 Video Lessons

high-yield and engaging

NCLEX-style Qbank questions

with supporting AI-tutor

Spaced-Repetition quizzes

with 2,690++ questions

Concise study pages

breaking down complex Prerequisites topics

Diversify and optimize your learning strategy

Close your knowledge gaps and solidify your understanding of the topic with a wide array of learning tools

Comprehensive Video Library
Master core concepts with concise, easy-to-follow Video Lessons and a smart spaced review algorithm.
Downloadable Cheat Sheets
Study efficiently with key nursing concepts in a printable “at-a-glance” format.
Powerful NCLEX Qbank
Optimize your exam preparation with AI-supported, question-based learning.
“Thank you so much for the opportunity to relearn the key concepts related to this cornerstone foundation to Medicine & Life Sciences! Wish I had this tool in my undergrad days!!”
Nursing Student, Gustavus Adolphus College

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What prerequisites do I need for nursing?

A general requirement for nursing school is a solid background in biological sciences. Typically, this includes at least some exposure to Anatomy and Physiology (two levels), and most often, a course in Microbiology. Other relevant courses, which may not be required but help you prepare for nursing school include psychology, chemistry, sociology, and algebra and/or statistics.

Can you get into nursing school without prerequisites?

At several colleges it is possible to start nursing school without any prerequisites. Freshmen usually only need a high school diploma or GED. Students are usually strongly advised to take some, if not all, general education courses before they begin.

How long does it take to complete nursing prerequisites?

The answer depends on your previous educational background. Most students complete the requirements in about two years. Those who have already taken courses in high school may meet the prerequisites even sooner.

Are nursing prerequisites hard?

It is a matter of opinion whether nursing prerequisites are hard. For most, the hardest part is finding enough time to study. So take enough time for the prerequisites and you will complete them successfully.

Can I try content for free?

Yes! You can register your Lecturio account for free, no obligations, no credit card required. Your free account gives you access to around 20% of the full content – no time limit. If you like, you can upgrade to a paid account with full access anytime.

Can I download videos and materials?

Yes, you can! All Video Lessons come with downloadable study materials. Get our free iOS or Android app to download videos for offline viewing.

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