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First 7 Days Free
Medical Basic
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
without Qbank and smart exam prep features
Best exam & board prep
Medical Premium
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
Powerful Qbank
with AI-tutor + performance tracking
Structured study plans
Expert-built exam & board prep
NEJM Healer Patient Simulations
Develop your clinical reasoning
AI Assistant
Get answers you can trust
Personal Tutoring
starts at
per month
A personal study tutor helps you achieve your goals in regular 1-on-1 tutoring sessions.
Medical Basic
Pay after 7 days, cancel anytime
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
without Qbank and smart exam prep features
Best exam & board prep
Medical Premium
Pay after 7 days, cancel anytime
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
Powerful Qbank
with AI-tutor + performance tracking
Structured study plans
Expert-built exam & board prep
NEJM Healer Patient Simulations
Develop your clinical reasoning
AI Assistant
Get answers you can trust
Personal Tutoring
starts at
per month
A personal study tutor helps you achieve your goals in regular 1-on-1 tutoring sessions.
Medical Basic
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
without Qbank and smart exam prep features
Best exam & board prep
Medical Premium
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
Powerful Qbank
with AI-tutor + performance tracking
Structured study plans
Expert-built exam & board prep
NEJM Healer Patient Simulations
Develop your clinical reasoning
AI Assistant
Get answers you can trust
Personal Tutoring
starts at
per month
A personal study tutor helps you achieve your goals in regular 1-on-1 tutoring sessions.
Medical Basic
Pay after 7 days, cancel anytime
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
without Qbank and smart exam prep features
Best exam & board prep
Medical Premium
Pay after 7 days, cancel anytime
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
Powerful Qbank
with AI-tutor + performance tracking
Structured study plans
Expert-built exam & board prep
NEJM Healer Patient Simulations
Develop your clinical reasoning
AI Assistant
Get answers you can trust
Personal Tutoring
starts at
per month
A personal study tutor helps you achieve your goals in regular 1-on-1 tutoring sessions.
Medical Basic
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
without Qbank and smart exam prep features
Best exam & board prep
Medical Premium
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
Powerful Qbank
with AI-tutor + performance tracking
Structured study plans
Expert-built exam & board prep
NEJM Healer Patient Simulations
Develop your clinical reasoning
AI Assistant
Get answers you can trust
Personal Tutoring
starts at
per month
A personal study tutor helps you achieve your goals in regular 1-on-1 tutoring sessions.
Medical Basic
Pay after 7 days, cancel anytime
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
without Qbank and smart exam prep features
Best exam & board prep
Medical Premium
Pay after 7 days, cancel anytime
Full library access
Videos + Concept Pages
Powerful Qbank
with AI-tutor + performance tracking
Structured study plans
Expert-built exam & board prep
NEJM Healer Patient Simulations
Develop your clinical reasoning
AI Assistant
Get answers you can trust
Personal Tutoring
starts at
per month
A personal study tutor helps you achieve your goals in regular 1-on-1 tutoring sessions.
Full library access includes
Get the full learning experience with Premium

Any Questions?
Yes, you can register your Lecturio account for free, with no obligations and no credit card required. A free account offers a preview of the full platform, limited access to Video Lessons, Recall Quizzes, and Lecturio features. Create your free account here
First, select a plan of your choice. If you did not have a membership or have already used the free trial in the past, rest assured that you won’t be charged immediately upon checkout. You will only be billed once your free trial ends, in accordance with the selected plan.
Lecturio’s features are split between Basic and Premium. The Basic plans are there to supplement your study material with full Video and Concept Page library access, and Premium plans are ideal for exam prep with our Qbanks.
You can choose a plan duration that best suits your needs; we currently offer 3-, 12-, or 24-month Medical plans. There is a one-time payment for each plan, which is not divided into monthly installments.
Basic includes full access to the entire Video and Concept Page Libraries. On top of that, Spaced Repetition Quizzes are included to ensure recall of key concepts. Lastly, use the Bookmatcher to scan your textbook pages to find matching Video Lessons.
Lecturio Medical Premium includes everything from Basic with several features on top. Most importantly, Premium gives you access to our Qbanks, with thousands of NBME board-style Practice Questions. You can answer these questions by yourself, or with the support of our Beta AI Tutor.
To top it off, Premium gives you access to NEJM Healer, an interactive practice tool that provides you with realistic patient scenarios to develop your clinical decision-making skills.
The Lecturio AI Assistant answers your medical or nursing related questions with detailed explanations and references. The AI Assistant is powered by all of Lecturio’s content and will answer your questions using all knowledge in our videos, concept pages, and Qbanks. AI is used to extract an answer, but doesn’t add or change anything to the content.
Please note that the answers provided by the AI Assistant are not reviewed by a medical professional, and as such, minor errors may occur. Make sure to check the source materials, which are reviewed by our team of medical professionals
Yes, your Lecturio membership will automatically renew at the end of each billing period. If you wish to turn off the auto-renewal feature, you may deactivate it in your Account Settings. Your credit card will not be charged again unless you manually re-activate.
Please note: any memberships purchased through the app store must be managed through Apple directly.
No. Your progress and notes will be saved even after your membership expires. You will regain access upon membership reactivation.
You can purchase Lecturio by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, or Discover) or debit card (Maestro) or through your PayPal account. (Please note: not all currencies can be used for all methods of payment.)
Visit our Medical Help Center, where you will find answers to additional FAQs and a Contact Form.