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Online Nursing Courses (RN)
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6,700+ Videos
Recall Quizzes
220+ Cheat Sheets
3,700+ Questions
We’ll get you ready for class, clinical and exam day
Curated for RN students
Video Library highlights
Say goodbye to endless online searches for quality video lectures. With Lecturio, you’ve got everything you need, right at your fingertips.
- Videos crafted by expert educators passionate about their fields.
- Downloadable slides to kickstart note-taking.
- Study anytime, anywhere, even offline with our mobile app.
- Concise, focused content with adjustable speed and multilingual subtitles.
- Customizable playlists from pre-made options or tailored to your syllabus.
- Daily recall quizzes to reinforce learning and aid retention.

Recall Quizzes
Retain key information better and improve your ability to recall key concepts with the aid of an adaptive algorithm, which tells you exactly what you need to repeat and when.
- 9,000+ quiz questions
- Customized review schedule
- Automated reminders for optimal learning
- Enhanced knowledge retention
- Adaptive algorithm for targeted review
- Improved learning efficiency
Concise Cheat Sheets
Expert-made nursing prerequisites cheat sheets help you learn faster and score higher.
- Access key nursing concepts at a glance for efficient study and revision
- Compact, convenient, and ideal for quick reviews
- Covers a wide range of topics with simplified explanations
- Regularly updated to reflect the latest nursing guidelines
- Reinforces knowledge and provides quick refreshers

Powerful Exam and NCLEX-RN Prep
Optimize your test preparation with Lecturio’s targeted question-based learning.
- Identify knowledge gaps with performance tracking
- Personalized content recommendations
- AI-tutor assistance for challenging questions
- Detailed explanations for incorrect answers
- Practice exams based on the latest NCSBN standards
- With partial credit scoring for realistic performance assessment
Content created by Registered Nurses for Registered Nurses

Rhonda Lawes, PhD, RN
Chief Nursing Officer at Lecturio
Adjunct Professor at Oral Roberts University
Dr. Rhonda Lawes is a distinguished nursing professional and Chief Nursing Officer at Lecturio. She holds a PhD in Educational Psychology from Oklahoma City University, with a focus on academic resilience, self-efficacy, and mindset research. In tandem with her role at Lecturio, Dr. Lawes is also an Adjunct Professor at Oral Roberts University.
With almost two decades of full-time teaching experience, Dr. Lawes’ expertise covers a breadth of nursing disciplines, including pathophysiology, nursing research, and NCLEX preparation. She has personally guided over 6,000 nursing students to NCLEX success and provides free tutoring to those in need.
An accomplished speaker and published author, Dr. Lawes is a recognized thought leader within nursing education.

Heide Cygan, DNP, RN
Associate Professor and Co-Director, Advanced Public Health Nursing
Program & Transformative Leadership: Population Health Program at Rush University
Dr. Heide Cygan is an Associate Professor, Department of Community, systems and Mental Health Nursing at Rush University College of Nursing in Chicago, where she is also the co-program director of the Advanced Public Health Nursing and Transformative Leadership: Population Health DNP programs. Dr. Cygan is board certified Advanced Public Health Nurse.
Dr. Cygan received her BSN from the University of Michigan and her DNP from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
For her professional achievements, she earned the Education MVP award from Rush University in 2019 and was named one of the 40 under 40 Emerging Nurse Leaders by Illinois Nurses Foundation in 2018.
Within Lecturio, Dr. Cygan will teach a course on Public Health Nursing.

Elizabeth Stone, PhD, RN, CPEN, CHSE, FAEN
Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina School of Nursing
Dr. Elizabeth Stone is an Assistant Professor at UNC School of Nursing in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Having obtained a PhD in Nursing Science and an MSN in Nursing Education, Dr. Stone is involved in undergraduate nursing education and serves as a pediatric clinical instructor. She is particularly interested in Pediatric Emergency Nursing and serves the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA) in a variety of roles. Her research interests include pediatric triage, pediatric head injury assessment, and the use of immersive media in healthcare education.
At Lecturio, Dr. Stone teaches courses on Pediatric Nursing.

Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN
Assistant Professor at Rogers State University
Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN, is a Nursing Instructor at Rogers State University. She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Nursing Science from Northeastern State University and later earned her Master’s degree in Nursing Education from the University of Oklahoma. After gaining extensive experience working in higher education and acute care facilities, she transitioned into a Nursing Educator role, while also maintaining clinical practice as a Registered Nurse.
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A personal study tutor helps you achieve your goals in regular 1-on-1 tutoring sessions.
What is a registered nurse (RN)?
Registered nurses (RNs) are individuals who have completed all of the necessary educational and licensure requirements as set forth by the Board of Nursing in each state. RNs often perform a wide range of duties, including assessing and evaluating patient care, administering medications, using medical equipment to run diagnostic tests, educating family members and patients on diseases and treatments, documenting patient information and vital signs, developing nursing care plans, and much more.
How do I become a registered nurse?
There are three basic ways you can become a registered nurse in the United States.
- You can complete a diploma program. Diploma programs aren’t as common as the other two methods below, but they are still just as viable. These are usually offered by hospitals, and they take approximately 2-3 years to complete.
- You can complete an associate’s degree in nursing, also called an ADN degree. An associate’s degree is usually offered by technical schools or community colleges, and they generally take 2-3 years to complete.
- You can complete a bachelor’s degree in nursing, also called a BSN degree. A BSN degree is offered by the traditional colleges and universities, and they typically take about four years to complete.
How long does it take to become a registered nurse?
The time it takes to become a registered nurse will largely depend on the type of degree program you choose to pursue. On average, it takes about 2-4 years to complete the educational requirements to become an RN (depending on which degree type you pursue), and after that, you’ll have to sit for the NCLEX-RN exam. Once you pass the NCLEX-RN exam, you’ll be licensed to practice in your state.
What does a registered nurse do?
Duties of a Registered Nurse in a hospital or nursing home entail many things. Registered Nurses (RNs) are responsible for a wide variety of care provided to patients. Not only are they responsible for taking care of patients but they must delegate to CNAs and supervise Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs).
What video courses are relevant to registered nurses?
Besides in class teaching, videos are a great medium to demonstrate and transmit the knowledge required for clinical nursing practice. All courses you’ll find in the Lecturio Nursing-RN curriculum are relevant for RN students, such as:
- Study Skills: Learn How to Study Nursing
- Medical-Surgical Nursing (Med-Surg)
- Pediatric Nursing
- Pharmacology (Nursing)
- Dosage Calculation
- Leadership (Nursing)
- Mental Health (Nursing)
- Physiology (Nursing)
- Nursing Prerequisites
Does Lecturio have a study guide for registered nurses?
Lecturio’s video course “Study Skills: Learn How to Study Nursing” guides students through the exciting journey of becoming a registered nurse.
This course explains how our brains process information, tips and tricks on how to stop procrastinating and the common myths and illusions about learning.
Where can I find practice questions for registered nurses and NCLEX preparation?
At Lecturio, you’ll find integrated recall questions in all videos to enhance your active learning. These questions are not to be confused with end of course exam questions or NCLEX questions. These types of questions will be added in the near future since Lecturio is aimed at becoming an all-in-one resource for nursing students.
This course explains how our brains process information, tips and tricks on how to stop procrastinating and the common myths and illusions about learning.
How do I find the perfect study resource for registered nurses?
Choosing a nursing school study resource is an important decision. You may ask your upperclassmen or friends for advice based on their experience. Still, what works for them may not always work for you, so we recommend creating a list of resources, prioritizing them, and then testing them, since most study resources provide an option for a free trial. At Lecturio, you can also create your free account to take a closer look inside. Lecturio is the perfect resource for you if you:
want to understand relevant nursing school subjects better
like videos for studying
prefer learning from experienced nursing educators that really know how to teach a subject and how to make the information stick in your brain.
Does Lecturio have an LPN specific program?
Yes, Lecturio offers a specialized program tailored specifically for Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs). Understanding the unique educational needs and professional responsibilities of LPNs, our program includes a comprehensive collection of resources designed to support LPNs in their learning and career development. This includes in-depth video lectures covering essential nursing topics, interactive quizzes for self-assessment, and a wide array of practical tools to enhance clinical skills.