Start your online clinical nursing skills class
with experienced educator Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN
Nursing clinical skills are the tools that you will use on every shift with every patient. Getting thrown into clinical despite not feeling very confident yet after a quick demonstration can be daunting.
This course will help you master practical nursing skills such as starting IVs, setting up a room with seizure precautions, managing indwelling catheters, and the fundamentals of wound care. You’ll also learn about central line care, suctioning, and removing sutures, among other essential competencies. Cutting-edge tutorial videos using 3 cameras and detailed labelling give you an up-close view of the procedures, being demonstrated step-by-step by experienced nurse and educator Samantha Rhea, MSN, RN.
An adaptive learning algorithm, downloadable Cheat Sheets, and a NCLEX-style Qbank are part of the learning platform, boosting retention and understanding. By the end of this course, you will have understood and internalized basic nursing skills and procedures, and feel more confident to apply them with your first nursing clients.