Start your online nutrition class
with Georgina Cornwall, PhD
A good understanding of nutrition is helpful in both inpatient and outpatient care – to make sound lifestyle recommendations and positively impacting people’s long-term health, or to ensure the recommended caloric intake in chronically ill patients in the ICU. Tailoring nutrition recommendations to the dietary requirements of diverse patient groups is complex and requires a deep understanding of physiology and the impact of nutrition on growth, pregnancy outcomes, and aging.
This course covers essential topics such as BMI and energy considerations, vitamins and their deficiencies, and the specific nutritional needs of newborns, pregnant patients, and older adults. Building on the basics of biomolecules and their metabolic pathways, experienced educator Dr. Georgina Cornwall will walk you through the mechanical and physiological processes of nutrient absorption and assimilation.
The combination of Video Lessons with interactive quiz questions, downloadable study materials, and a USMLE-style Qbank makes it easy to understand and retain the topics. By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of nutrition, ready to apply this knowledge to improve patient care and excel in your exams and future medical practice.