Score High on
NBME® Practice Exams

Unlock your full potential with a comprehensive Qbank and expertly curated study resources tailored for exam success

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Refine Your Skills and Triumph with Targeted Practice

Master NBME Practice Exams with Lecturio's Powerful Qbank and Expert-Crafted Learning Paths

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Available Learning Paths

  • NBME Basic Science Study Plans
  • NBME Clinical Science Study Plans

Navigate your NBME Subject Exam prep with Lecturio’s Learning Paths, curated by top USMLE coaches. These guides and practice exams provide clear instructions on content and questions for a strategically planned journey towards your exam success.

Basic Science study plans

Clinical Science study plans

Board-style Qbank Highlights

  • 4,300+ USMLE questions
  • In-depth video and text rationales
  • AI Tutor assistance
  • High-quality illustrations
  • First Aid® references
  • Performance tracking with adaptive review

By integrating all the features into your practice or remediation, you’ll be able to experience the most efficient exam preparation possible and feel fully equipped for test day.

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Qbank question animation
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Qbank usmle step2

Ace our NBME Practice Exams
with Expert-Crafted Learning Paths

Navigate your preparation confidently with Lecturio's comprehensive and strategic study guides, designed by top educators to optimize your NBME practice exam success

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Maximize Your NBME Remediation

With Lecturio's Comprehensive High-Yield Videos and Concept Pages

Video Library Highlights

  • 7,400+ comprehensive video lessons
  • Integrated recall questions
  • High-quality and downloadable slides
  • Detailed illustrations and 3D models
  • Summaries to support your learning

Lecturio is dedicated to simplifying complex NBME topics through engaging video lessons taught by expert educators, providing in-depth coverage for a thorough understanding.

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Video lecture usmle step1 smartphone
Concept pages usmle step1 features
Concept pages usmle step1 detailed images
Concept pages usmle step1 detailed tables
Concept pages usmle step1 update

Concept Page Library

  • 1,450+ in-depth Concept Pages
  • Linked video lessons and Qbank tests
  • High-yield and up-to-date
  • Detailed images, charts, and tables

Master new medical concepts and reinforce your knowledge on challenging topics using our comprehensive Concept Pages, created and peer-reviewed by US-trained physicians.

"Watching these videos is clearer, more concise, and far more efficient than going to any of my lectures. I easily learn in 5–10 minutes what I would struggle to pick up in an hour of lectures at med school."
Testimonial cassandra
Medical Student

Lecturio works

Lecturio’s award-winning educators, learning experts, and physicians work together to integrate evidence-based learning tools and strategies into your USMLE Step 2 preparation

20 point increase

In NBME CBSSA scores using supplemental study routines from Lecturio

37% increase in correct answers

When answering first attempt Qbank questions

Bell curve

37% increase
in correct answers

When answering first attempt Qbank questions

Increased their exam confidence

in their preparation for NBME

Preferred the increased flexibility and convenience Lecturio offers

in exam preparation after using Lecturio

Would recommend Lecturio to a friend

An overwhelming number of students find Lecturio to be a smart and reliable resource

Let's Celebrate You Becoming a Doctor!

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Frequently Asked Questions about the NBME Practice Exam

The National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME) practice exams are comprehensive self-assessment tools designed to help medical students prepare for USMLE exams. They provide a realistic exam experience and a detailed performance analysis to guide your study.

Lecturio provides a robust platform that aids your NBME practice exam preparation. Our comprehensive resources include expert-crafted study plans, high-yield video lectures, and a powerful Qbank with NBME-style questions. Detailed explanations help reinforce your learning and target weak areas.

Lecturio’s Qbank questions are designed to reflect the style and difficulty of actual NBME practice exam questions. They are constantly reviewed and updated by our expert educators to ensure accuracy and relevance.

The frequency of taking NBME practice exams depends on your individual study plan and timeline. Generally, taking a practice exam at the beginning of your study period to identify weak areas, and then periodically throughout your study period to track your progress, is recommended.

Yes, Lecturio provides detailed performance analytics to help you track your progress over time. This allows you to identify areas of weakness and strength, aiding in more targeted and efficient study.

Start Your NBME Practice Exam Journey Today